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  1. Force majeure events are usually defined as certain acts, events or circumstances beyond the control of the parties, for example, natural disasters or the outbreak of hostilities. A force majeure clause typically excuses one or both parties from performance of the contract in some way following the occurrence of such events. Its underlying principle is that on the occurrence of certain events ...

  2. 26 de mar. de 2020 · Where the agreement does not specify what qualifies as force majeure, the default provisions of Dutch law will apply. This means that the shortcoming has to be non-attributable to the debtor, that there has to be an absence of fault and that the risk cannot be attributable to the debtor based on the law, a legal act or prevailing views.

  3. › artikkel › force_majeureForce majeure - Lovdata

    14 de nov. de 2012 · Force majeure eller vis major er et begrep som daterer seg tilbake til romerretten. Det beskriver særlige omstendigheter som ikke er under menneskelig kontroll og som det derfor på forhånd er klart at mennesker ikke kan avverge. Som eksempler på slike ekstraordinære hendelser utenfor en parts kontroll kan nevnes krig, opprør, blokade naturkatastrofer, streik og lock-out ...

  4. › fr › la-force-majeure-en-matiere-contractuelle-343LA FORCE MAJEURE EN MATIERE CONTRACTUELLE

    La Cour de cassation a consacré l’effet suspensif de la force majeure temporaire dans les termes suivants : « la force majeure, qui empêche une partie de remplir ses obligations, suspend l’exécution de tous les engagements nés d’un contrat synallagmatique, lorsque cet empêchement n’est que temporaire et que le contrat peut encore ...

  5. 20 de abr. de 2023 · How Does Force Majeure Work in South Africa? In South Africa, force majeure is a recognized concept in contract law. However, force majeure clauses are interpreted strictly by the courts and must be drafted clearly and specifically to be enforceable. The party seeking to rely on a force majeure clause must prove that the event in question was ...

  6. 10 de feb. de 2024 · Definisi Force Majeure. Merujuk pada Black’s Law Dictionary, force majeure secara etimologi berasal dari bahasa Perancis yang berarti superior force atau kekuatan yang lebih tinggi. Adapun dari segi terminologi, istilah tersebut diartikan sebagai peristiwa yang tidak dapat diantisipasi ataupun dikendalikan, termasuk kejadian alam maupun kejadian akibat manusia.

  7. By including a force majeure clause in a contract, parties can mitigate potential risks and liabilities. Clarity and specificity are essential in preventing disputes and maintaining contractual relationships. To confirm effective force majeure clauses, it is essential to carefully consider triggers, thresholds, and notice requirements.