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  1. Robert Todd Lincoln, eldest son of President and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, felt cursed. One of his brothers, Edward, died as a boy in Springfield, Illinois long before their father became president. A second brother, William, died in the White House on February 20, 1862. The death of “Willie” made the Civil War’s dark days that much darker ...

  2. Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith nació el 19 de julio de 1904 en Riverside, Illinois, hijo de Jessie Harlan Lincoln y Warren Wallace Beckwith. Su madre, la hija menor del hijo de Abraham Lincoln, Robert Todd Lincoln y su esposa Mary, se había fugado con su compañero de clase Warren en 1897. Su padre era un jugador de fútbol estrella en el Iowa ...

  3. Robert Todd Lincoln (1 de agosto de 1843 - 26 de julho de 1926) foi um advogado, empresário e político estadunidense. Ele era o filho mais velho do presidente Abraham Lincoln e Mary Todd Lincoln, e o único de seus quatro filhos a viver até a idade adulta.Robert Lincoln tornou-se advogado empresarial e presidente de empresa, e serviu como Secretário da Guerra dos Estados Unidos e ...

  4. In 1975, Robert Todd Lincoln’s Vermont mansion, Hildene, was falling into ruin. Its last owner, Abraham Lincoln’s great granddaughter, Mary Beckwith, had died in July. She had had little interest in her Lincoln legacy, asking, “Why should anybody be interested in all this old stuff we’ve got around the house?”

  5. Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith. Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith (19 de julio de 1904 - 24 de diciembre de 1985) fue un granjero estadounidense conocido como bisnieto de Abraham Lincoln. En 1975, se convirtió en el último descendiente indiscutible de Lincoln cuando su hermana, Mary Lincoln Beckwith, murió sin hijos.

  6. › 1985/12/26 › great-grandsons-death-ends-lincoln-family-lineGREAT-GRANDSON`S DEATH ENDS LINCOLN FAMILY LINE

    9 de ago. de 2021 · The bloodline of Abraham Lincoln ended on Christmas Eve when his last direct descendant, Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith, died in Hartfield, Va. at the age of 81.Beckwith was Lincoln`s great-grandson.

  7. Burial in Arlington. Robert Todd Lincoln died in his sleep during the night of July 25–26, 1926, at his beloved home, Hildene, near Manchester, Vermont. In a life that seemed filled with coincidences, at the time of his death he was only one of two people remaining with a direct connection to Abraham Lincoln and was the last living person who ...