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  1. John Frederic Daniell. 1790-1845. English chemist who invented the Daniell cell battery, as well as the dew-point hygrometer. Daniell's career began in the sugar-refining industry, to which he made several improvements. He also did significant work in the lighting industry, before making a major contribution to the field of meteorology with his ...

  2. 锌铜电池又称丹尼尔电池,是一种以锌为负电极;铜为正电极;硫酸锌与硫酸铜为电解液的电化电池,由约翰·弗雷德里克·丹尼尔(John Frederic Daniell)于1836年发明,丹尼尔电池一称来自其发明者的名字,丹尼尔为了消除伏打电堆中出现氢气泡的问题,他的解决方法是使用第二种电解液来消耗只有一 ...

  3. La pila de Daniell o celda de Daniell, también llamada celda de gravedad (llamada así por la forma del electrodo de zinc) fue inventada en 1836 por John Frederic Daniell, que era un químico británico y meteorólogo. Esta pila supuso una gran mejora sobre la pila voltaica que fue la primera celda galvánica desarrollada.

  4. John Frederic Daniell was born in London, England, on 12 March 1790 as the son of a lawyer. He received a good education, while attending private school. He received either an earned or a honorary degree from Oxford University. Upon completing school with a good background in technology, he went to work for a relative who owned a sugar refinery.

  5. John Frederic Daniell – esboço biográfico. No documento Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Física. Instituto de Química. Instituto de Biociências. Faculdade de Educação. Mayra Cristina da Silva Costa (páginas 36-41) John Frederic Daniell (Figura 06) nasceu em 12 de março de 1790 em Strand, um pequeno distrito de Londres ...

  6. John Frederick Daniell, (d. 12 Mart 1790, Londra – ö. 13 Mart 1845). İngiliz kimyacı ve fizikçi.. King's College London'un ilk kimya profesörlerindendir.Adı, en çok kendi buluşu olan Daniell pili ile anılır.. Eski Yunan bilgini Thales'ten günümüze kadar bilim insanları, elektrik gücünü denetim altına alarak, düzenli bir elektrik akımı sağlayan pili bulmaya ve üretmeye ...

  7. John Frederic Daniell (Londres, 12 de març de 1790 - Londres, 13 de març de 1845), FRS, va ser un químic i físic anglès. Daniell va néixer a Londres . El 1831 es va convertir en el primer professor de química del recentment fundat King's College de Londres ; i el 1835 va ser nomenat per al càrrec equivalent al Seminari Militar de la Companyia Britànica de les Índies Orientals , a ...