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  1. › zh › Strontium-90WikiPredia - 锶90

    90 (90后锶)是锶的一种放射性同位素,由 核裂变产生,半衰期为28.8年。它经历β -衰变为钇 90,衰变能量为 0.546 MeV。[2]锶 90 在医学和工业中都有应用,是核武器、核武器试验和核事故的放射性尘埃中令人关注的同位素。[3]

  2. Strontium-90 . An inevitable byproduct of nuclear fission is the production of fission products which are highly radioactive. Strontium-90 and cesium-137 are the radioisotopes which should be most closely guarded against release into the environment. They both have intermediate halflives of around 30 years, which is the worst range for half-lives of radioactive contaminants.

  3. Le strontium est l' élément chimique de numéro atomique 38, de symbole Sr. Le strontium, comme le calcium, est un alcalino-terreux. Il est mou, malléable, gris-jaune. Au contact avec l' air, il forme un film d'oxyde protecteur ( passivation ). Il s'enflamme et brûle facilement dans l'air et réagit avec l' eau .

  4. 8 de ago. de 2017 · Strontium-90 is widely dispersed in the environment and the food chain from atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons in the 1950s and 1960s. Radioactive decay Radioactive decay The process in which an unstable (radioactive) nucleus emits radiation and changes to a more stable isotope or element. is the only way of decreasing the amount of Sr-90 in the environment.

  5. Strontium-90 (90 Sr) on strontiumin radio­aktiivinen isotooppi, jonka atomin ytimessä on 38 protonia ja 52 neutronia.Sitä syntyy raskaiden ydinten fissiossa, ja sen puoliintumisaika on 28,8 vuotta. Se hajoaa beeta­hajoamisella yttrium-90:ksi, jolloin ytimestä vapautuu energiaa 0,546 MeV. Strontium-90 on pitkä­ikäisyytensä vuoksi pahimpia radio­aktiivisia saasteita, joita on levinnyt ...

  6. سترونتيوم-90. سترونتيوم-90(بالإنجليزي : Strontium-90) ورمزه (90 Sr)، هو نظير مشع للسترونيوم وعمر النصف له 28.8 سنة.. النشاط الإشعاعي. السترونيوم الطبيعي هو عنصر غير مشع وكذلك غير سام ولكن نظيره سترونيوم 90 نشط إشعاعيا وخطر.

  7. › wiki › Strontium_90Strontium 90 - Wikipedia

    Gli Strontium 90 non sopravviveranno a lungo ma questo incontro porterà Summers a unirsi ai Police qualche settimana più tardi. Questo sodalizio significherà per il gruppo britannico un notevole salto di qualità e contribuirà alla nascita di un sound personale e inconfondibile, che lascerà un segno profondo nella storia della musica rock ...