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  1. El productor David Wolper reunió a ocho cineastas de diversos países, cada uno de los cuales se centró en un evento o tema diferente. Entre ellos figuran Arthur Penn en el salto con garrocha, Kon Ichikawa en los 100 metros, Milos Forman en el decatlón, Mai Zetterling en la halterofilia, Michael Pfleghar en las atletas y Claude Lelouch en "Los Perdedores". El resultado es una visión ...

  2. Watch this short feature on the Official Film of the Munich 1972 Olympic Games "Visions of Eight" and preview the best moments from the film... of eight filmmakers from various countries: Milos Forman, Kon Ichikawa, Claude Lelouch, Yuri Ozerov, Arthur Penn, Michael Pfleghar, John Schlessinger, Mai Zetterling.

  3. 15 de may. de 2012 · Olympic Visions explores how painters and sculptors, photographers and filmmakers, and architects and designers have helped to affect the consciousness of spectators around the world. Mike O’Mahony describes and analyzes images such as documentary photographs and posters made of the Olympics throughout history.

  4. Der Produzent David Wolper brachte acht Filmemacher aus verschiedenen Ländern zusammen, die sich jeweils auf eine andere Veranstaltung oder Thema konzentrierten. Dazu gehörten Arthur Penn über den Stabhochsprung, Kon Ichikawa über 100 Meter, Milos Forman über den Zehnkampf, Mai Zetterling über die Gewichtheber, Michael Pfleghar über die Athletinnen und Claude Lelouch über "Die Verlierer".

  5. 3 de ago. de 2020 · The Olympic Visions mural is said to have a large number of murals painted into it and when the mural was repainted, the city of Port Angeles conducted a critter counting contest. What fun! If you’d like to go critter counting in the Olympic Visions, let me tell you that this Olympic Mountains mural can be seen in downtown Port Angeles — on W.

  6. The Olympic Museum is the driving force behind cultural and educational activities based on Olympic values. ... art, history and education. Olympic Art Visions Olympic Art Visions is a programme where the IOC commissions leading visual artists to create public artworks inspired by sport and Olympic values in host cities of the Games. Find out more.

  7. Le résultat est une vision réfléchie et kaléidoscopique des Jeux de Munich, un événement marqué par un attentat terroriste qui a fait onze morts parmi les athlètes et les entraîneurs israéliens. Le reportage de John Schlesinger (sur "Le marathon") évoque ce scandale. Milos Forman, Kon Ichikawa, Claude Lelouch, Yuri Ozerov, Arthur ...