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  1. delicioso, sa. adj. Agradable, placentero, que causa delicia: los dulces de esta pastelería son deliciosos. Hacía una mañana deliciosa y el día se presentó prometedor. Tanto la comida española como la mexicana es deliciosa / son deliciosas. Visita el foro Sólo Español. Ayuda a WordReference: Pregunta tú mismo.

  2. Saborea la auténtica Chancaca Deliciosa, un producto chileno de calidad. Acompañamos tus momentos familiares con Azúcar Rubia, Panela y tradición. ¡Cocina y comparte momentos deliciosos!

  3. 21 de feb. de 2024 · How to care for Monstera deliciosa: You should plant a Swiss cheese plant in rich, well-draining soil, and water it when the soil is partly dry. Place your Monstera deliciosa indoors in bright, indirect light and temperatures between 70°F and 75°F (21°C – 24°C). To encourage healthy growth, fertilize monthly, and mist the leaves weekly.

  4. 21 de nov. de 2022 · Then place the cutting into a glass of water and wait for a root system to grow. This should take 2-3 weeks. Remember to change the water every 3-5 days. Otherwise, the cutting could start to rot. You can also propagate your monstera by dividing the plant, or separating a part from the parent plant.

  5. 30 de abr. de 2022 · The fruit of the Monstera plant is safe to eat when it is ripe. The unripe fruit contains oxalic acid, which can cause irritation to the mouth and throat. Before ripeness, there are small needle-like crystals that are abrasive and will cause irritation. Once your Monstera fruit is ripe and you dig in, you’ll be rewarded with sweet, juicy flesh.

  6. Monstera deliciosa, comúnmente conocida como la planta de queso suizo, es una planta de interior popular conocida por su impresionante follaje y sus requisitos de fácil cuidado. Si bien es importante comprender el cuidado, el crecimiento, la propagación, la vida útil y los beneficios de la monstera deliciosa, también es fascinante explorar los diferentes tipos de esta planta.

  7. Monstera deliciosa, the Hurricane or Swiss Cheese Plant are all names for an old fashioned but favorite houseplant. Look closely at the Latin name (Monstera deliciosa) which means "Delicious Monstrosity".This is due to the edible fruit it can occasionally grow which tastes like banana and pineapple, although only a few people will encounter this because it rarely flowers indoors.