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  1. En abril de 1919, un grupo de anarquistas liderados por el italiano Luigi Galleani coloca bombas por todo el país. Figuras destacables del establishment político y económico de los Estados Unidos como J. P. Morgan Jr. , John D. Rockefeller , el juez del Tribunal Supremo Oliver Wendell Holmes , el fiscal general Alexander Mitchell Palmer o funcionarios de inmigración. [ 1 ]

  2. 12 de ago. de 2019 · Luigi Galleani, an anarchist active in the United States in the early part of the 20th century, was born on this day in 1861 in Vercelli in Piedmont. Galleani was an advocate of the philosophy of "propaganda of the deed" first proposed by the 19th century Italian revolutionary Carlo Pisacane.

  3. Luigi Galleani (Vercelli, Italia, 1861ko abuztuaren 12a – Aulla, Italia, 1931ko azaroaren 4a) anarkista izan zen. Sortzez italiarra izanagatik, politikoki aktiboen Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan izan zen, han bizi izan baitzen 1901az geroztik, harik eta 1919an deportatu zuten arte.

  4. Luigi Galleani is the 5,588th most popular writer (down from 5,080th in 2019), the 3,891st most popular biography from Italy (down from 3,528th in 2019) and the 273rd most popular Italian Writer. Memorability Metrics. 480k. Page Views (PV) 45.72. Historical Popularity Index (HPI) 21. Languages Editions (L)

  5. Originario de Vercelli, pequeña ciudad de la provincia de Piamonte en Italia, Luigi Galleani es considerado, junto a Errico Malatesta, el militante más influyente del anarquismo de lengua italiana. Pensador agudo y agitador incansable, acercó la causa revolucionaria a un gran número de trabajadores a través de su intensa actividad de prensa y sus dotes de orador.

  6. The newspaper was in fact published in November of that year, in Ancona, with an editorial by Luigi Galleani on the front page. At the end of the same year he managed to escape from the island and settled in Cairo for about a year. 1901 In early October it reaches the United States.

  7. Born in Vercelli in 1861, Luigi Galleani is considered, with Errico Malatesta, the most influential militant of Italian-speaking anarchism. First in Italy and then in the United States, where he arrived at age forty, he was well-known as a tireless thinker, agitator, and public speaker who attracted large numbers of workers to the revolutionary cause and, often, to acts of direct action and ...