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  1. › wiki › Alan_GuthAlan Guth - Wikipedia

    Alan Guth. Alan Harvey Guth (New Brunswick (New Jersey), 27 februari 1947) is een Amerikaanse natuurkundige en kosmoloog.. Guth wordt gezien als de grondlegger van de inflatietheorie, een uitbreiding van de theorie van de oerknal.Guth kwam op het idee van de inflatie na het bijwonen van een lezing in 1979 van Robert Dicke over de Big Bang. In 1981 maakte hij zijn theorie wereldkundig.

  2. Guth is also interested in pursuing the possibility of inflation in "brane world" models, which propose that our universe is a 3+1–dimensional membrane floating in a higher dimensional space. Guth's earlier work has included the study of lattice gauge theory, magnetic monopoles and instantons, Gott time machines, and a number of other topics in theoretical physics.

  3. American physicist Alan Guth was best known for proposing the theory of an inflationary universe, a variation of the big-bang model that was highly influential in guiding modern cosmological thought. Guth, who taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, earned several scientific awards for his work, including the Benjamin Franklin Medal (2001), the Dirac Medal (2002), and the Kavli ...

  4. Der Kosmologe Alan Guth hat unser Verständnis des Universums revolutioniert. Seine Inflationstheorie erklärt, warum es nach dem Urknall nicht gleich wieder in sich zusammenstürzte, sondern 13,8 Milliarden Jahre alt und gigantisch gross werden konnte.

  5. Alan Harvey Guth est un cosmologiste américain. Il est né le 27 février 1947 à New Brunswick dans le New Jersey et est actuellement en poste au Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Il est considéré comme l'inventeur du modèle cosmologique de l'inflation cosmique.

  6. Alan Guth y su etraordinaria propuesta de inflación cósmica • Temas de sica Revista Española de Física • 36-1 • Enero-marzo 2022 3 El inagotable ingenio y la gran sorna de Gamow le llevaron esta vez, tras haber escuchado a Hoyle, a bautizar su modelo (heredero, recordémoslo, de los de Friedmann y Lemaître) como el “modelo del

  7. 2012 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics. For the invention of inflationary cosmology, and for his contributions to the theory for the generation of cosmological density fluctuations arising from quantum fluctuations in the early universe, and for his ongoing work on the problem of defining probabilities in eternally inflating spacetimes.