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  1. 17 de ene. de 2016 · Annie Machon: Sorry my cat’s just walking all over me, James Bond never had this problem. Briefly, I worked for MI5 for six years in the early to mid-1990s.

  2. Annie Machon was an intelligence officer for the UK's Security Service, MI5, before resigning to help blow the whistle on the crimes and incompetence of the British spies in the 1990s. She is now a media commentator, author, political campaigner, ...

  3. 1 de ene. de 2005 · Annie Machon worked as an intelligence officer for the UK domestic Security Service, MI5, where she was responsible for investigating political and terrorist targets before resigning to help her former partner, David Shayler, blow the whistle on the crimes, incompetence and lack of accountability of the spies.

  4. Annie Machon is a former intelligence officer for MI5, the UK Security Service. During that time she was responsible for investigating political and terrorist targets, before resigning to help her former part­ner and col­league, David Shayler, blow the whistle on the crimes, incompetence and lack of accountability of the spies.

  5. 8 de feb. de 2024 · Former MI5 intelligence officer Annie Machon has said the UK security services owe it to Gareth Williams’ family to provide the full picture around his death. A forensic re-examination of the ...

  6. Annie Machon és una exoficial d'intel·ligència de l'MI5, que a finals dels anys 90 va dimitir del servei amb el seu marit, David Shaley, per poder filtrar documents amb què denunciar la incompetència i els crims del servei britànic. És ara una consultora, activista política i instructora per a periodistes amb una perspectiva especial no només sobre la feina interna dels governs ...

  7. Annie Machon 2013. Annie Machon (s.1968) on entinen Britannian turvallisuuspalvelun MI5:n tiedustelu-upseeri, joka irtisanoutui 1997 sen palveluksesta yhtä aikaa silloisen kumppaninsa David Shaylerin kanssa auttaakseen tätä paljastamaan tiedustelupalveluissa esiintyvää rikollisuutta. Nykyisin Machon on kirjailija, ammattipuhuja, pr-konsultti ja tapahtumajärjestäjä sekä myös monien ...