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  1. Discovery of Possibly the Oldest Stars in Our Galaxy Discovered: Possibly the Oldest Stars in Our Galaxy American scientists have made an extraordinary discovery: our Milky Way galaxy contains three stars that may be the oldest ever identified. These three stars have been found in the so-called ‘halo’: the star-filled space that surrounds our Milky […]

  2. Io: The Most Volcanically Active Body in Our Solar System Io, one of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter, exhibits over 400 active volcanoes, making it the most volcanically active celestial body in the solar system. The volcanic eruptions primarily eject sulfur dioxide, which not only creates a unique atmosphere around the moon but also […]

  3. Digging Through Hubble’s Photographs: The Discovery of New Asteroids Who wouldn’t appreciate the chance of delving into the vast archive of images captured by the iconic Hubble Space Telescope? During a recent study, more than ten thousand volunteers did just that and remarkably, discovered over a thousand new asteroids in the process. The Hubble Space […]

  4. Astronomers have long suspected it, but can now finally confirm: the sky near Mars’ poles turns green at night. The green glow comes as good news for astronauts, particularly for those afraid of the dark. The Green Glow’s Significance The glow is so bright that astronauts – or even rovers – near the poles can […]

  5. The nebula itself, in addition to the two stars contained within, has left astronomers awe-struck. Their characteristics are not what initially expected, yet recent research has indicated a compelling reason for this circumstance. The enigmatic nebula is believed to be the result of a riveting event: a colossal collision between two stars. Article Details This […]

  6. The Mystery of a Star’s Ultraviolet Light: A Cosmic Puzzle Years ago, the Spitzer Space Telescope detected a vast surge of ultraviolet radiation in the vicinity of the star SZ Cha. However, the James Webb Telescope can’t seem to find it anymore. The question remains: What happened? A Deeper Look into Protoplanetary Disks Back in […]

  7. The Supernova Remnant of Cassiopeia A and the ‘Green Monster’ In the supernova remnant of the exploded star Cassiopeia A, there are notable green strands. Scientists have investigated whether this ‘green monster’ came into being before or after the supernova explosion. Cassiopeia A, or Cas A, lies some 11,000 light-years away in the constellation of […]