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  1. A Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) e o Governo da República Democrática de Timor-Leste assinaram no dia 26 de junho um protocolo para os próximos cinco anos, com o objetivo de capacitar recursos humanos timorenses na área da justiça, através da frequência do curso de Direito na UCP. Saiba mais.

  2. Portal da Universidade Católica Portuguesa no Porto, onde encontrará informações sobre Artes, Biotecnologia, Business School, Enfermagem, Direito, Educação e Psicologia e Teologia.

  3. Universidade Católica Portuguesa represents: An academic community that contributes to the defense and development of the human person and their cultural heritage through research, teaching and service; A Portuguese presence in the academic world of Higher Education that features a Christian vision of man, giving a particular contribution to the range of knowledge. Universidade Católica ...

  4. The Faculty of Education and Psychology of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (FEP-UCP) offers its students a quality education in the fields of Education and Psychology. The educational offer in Education includes several post-graduate courses, a master's degree and a PhD program (at the Porto Regional Centre and the Catholic University of Mozambique).

  5. CATÓLICA-LISBON is currently an institution of reference in Portugal, with a reputation for excellence in its various levels of education: Bachelors in Economics, Bachelors in Management, Masters, MBA and Programs for Executives. Católica Medical School is the most recent academic unit of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, created in 2018.

  6. Universidade Católica Portuguesa Reitoria Palma de Cima 1649-023 Lisboa Portugal Email; Phone (+351) 217 214 000; Junte-se a nós Facebook LinkedIn Youtube Instagram; Projeto Training for Resilience - A Value for the Future, com o apoio:

  7. La Universidade Católica Portuguesa tiene un costo de admisión de USD $160 estos precios son muy accesibles para estudiantes internacionales, además de ello también cuenta con becas otorgadas al mérito académico a las mejores promedios durante el año escolar.. Los costos por alojamiento en esta universidad son muy accesibles con un total de $1,800, un abono de comida de $1,080 y un ...