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  1. Raised in the U.S., Claudia (22) is an undocumented immigrant living beyond her means in a twisted version of the American dream. When she’s arrested by the FBI for credit card fraud, Claudia is quickly deported to México. Speaking no Spanish and lost in her foreign “homeland,” she reluctantly takes refuge at her estranged father's cattle ranch. As she clashes with her unyielding father ...

  2. Raised in the U.S., Claudia (22) is an undocumented immigrant living beyond her means in a twisted version of the American dream. When she’s arrested by the FBI for credit card fraud, Claudia is quickly deported to México. Speaking no Spanish and lost in her foreign “homeland,” she reluctantly takes refuge at her estranged father's cattle ranch. As she clashes with her unyielding father ...

  3. Raised in the U.S., Claudia (22) is an undocumented immigrant living beyond her means in a twisted version of the American dream. When she’s arrested by the FBI for credit card fraud, Claudia is quickly deported to México. Speaking no Spanish and lost in her foreign “homeland,” she reluctantly takes refuge at her estranged father's cattle ranch. As she clashes with her unyielding father ...

  4. Raised in the U.S., Claudia (22) is an undocumented immigrant living beyond her means in a twisted version of the American dream. When she’s arrested by the FBI for credit card fraud, Claudia is quickly deported to México. Speaking no Spanish and lost in her foreign “homeland,” she reluctantly takes refuge at her estranged father's cattle ranch. As she clashes with her unyielding father ...

  5. Raised in the U.S., Claudia (22) is an undocumented immigrant living beyond her means in a twisted version of the American dream. When she’s arrested by the FBI for credit card fraud, Claudia is quickly deported to México. Speaking no Spanish and lost in her foreign “homeland,” she reluctantly takes refuge at her estranged father's cattle ranch. As she clashes with her unyielding father ...

  6. Raised in the U.S., Claudia (22) is an undocumented immigrant living beyond her means in a twisted version of the American dream. When she’s arrested by the FBI for credit card fraud, Claudia is quickly deported to México. Speaking no Spanish and lost in her foreign “homeland,” she reluctantly takes refuge at her estranged father's cattle ranch. As she clashes with her unyielding father ...

  7. 1. Claudia (22), född och uppvuxen i USA, lever ut en egen version av den amerikanska drömmen, när hon plötsligt grips för kortbedrägeri och deporteras till Mexiko, där hon varken vill eller kan känna sig hemma, och ger sig i kast med en drogkartell i ett farligt och desperat försök att få återvända till USA.