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  1. Hace 1 día · Rethinking our economies and shifting to a wellbeing economy means that we will be prioritising the needs of people and the planet over arbitrary economic growth. It shifts the focus from GDP to shared wellbeing, ensuring comfort, safety, and happiness for all. In my view, the wellbeing economy is our final chance to save capitalism.

  2. Hace 3 días · But since the right to strike was enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom in 2015, Savage says the government appears more reluctant to use back-to-work legislation. Eidlin agrees. “The bar for infringing on the right to strike by adopting back-to-work legislation got a lot higher,” he said.

  3. Hace 6 horas · The majority of the bosses, drawn from 11 major global economies, including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK, USA and China, reported a willingness to offer staff sweeteners to lure them back ...

  4. Hace 17 horas · In Brussels, the talk of the town is a report on the future of European competitiveness, calling for fundamental economic reforms to avoid a “slow agony” for the European economy. The report ...

  5. Hace 2 días · We cannot load every economic problem we face onto minor tweaks in the social security rules. Which is why, as part of our Get Britain Working White Paper, we are bringing forward fundamental ...

  6. Hace 2 días · In the world we are in now, loose fiscal policy can increase term premia on government bonds as long-term debt sustainability comes into question. A decomposition of US 10-year nominal yields reveals that while inflation risk premium has declined in tandem with inflation, real risk premium has risen sharply in the last two years pushing up long-term interest rates well above pre-pandemic levels.

  7. Hace 3 días · UK jobcentres will spend less time policing the benefits system and more time helping people to find work, under government reforms aimed at raising the employment rate to the highest in the G7 ...