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  1. Hace 4 días · You've been very vocal about accepting same-sex love throughout your career, and have released multiple music videos and songs that show LGBTQ+ couples and iconography. What brought that about? I have many LGBTQ friends and fans, and many of these music videos and songs were made to share their real-life stories and real emotions.

  2. 1 de mar. de 2024 · 亞洲流行天后蔡依林Jolin除了是金曲獎常客之外2023年是她出道24年後首度入圍金馬獎最佳原創歌曲獎」!現在就用10件事帶你回顧她的女神風采

  3. Hace 1 día · Since 1st Dance Floor, there are the large number of licensed K-pop songs. Starting with Pump It Up Premiere and onward, the international songs are included mostly from North America, Latin America, Mexico, Brazil, China, etc.

  4. Hace 5 días · A dancing dozen as twelve top classic rock acts deliver their disco strut. Many top rockers have found a place for a disco tune to set feet dancing. Here are twelve great examples.

  5. › wiki › A-MeiA-Mei - Wikipedia

    Hace 2 días · Along with her gobsmacking vocals, her charismatic and infectious stage performances became her trademark, and further cemented A-Mei's status as the top diva in Chinese pop music.

  6. Hace 4 días · Jolin這3年在台北高雄雙蛋共締造17場輝煌紀錄今年重披華麗戰袍透過精彩表演帶領歌迷踏上內在英雄覺醒之路。 此套巡演,她不僅創下自己在台的單場巡迴最多場次紀錄,也為出道23年的演藝成績寫下全新里程碑。 為展現「最終章」概念,這次演唱會海報主視覺LOGO藏有彩蛋,是海報冠上象徵演唱會開場以及結尾「加冕儀式」的皇冠圖騰,並搭配音樂劇、歌劇中形容「精彩結局」的「FINALE」文字符碼。 (延伸閱讀: 【疫情一拖兩年】蔡依林不再等了宣布世界巡演「全面取消」 歌迷跪求天后線上開唱) Jolin巡演最新視覺照曝光,宣告將帶領歌迷踏上內在英雄覺醒之路。 (凌時差提供) 一向求新求變的Jolin也預告,將與造型團隊打造多套全新戰袍,再創「怪美的」時尚美學風範。

  7. Hace 4 días · Dancing, a drink and dogs : Photos of the week. A selection of striking news photographs taken around the world this week. Luca Carlino/NurPhoto/REX/Shutterstock. Brad Pitt and George...