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  1. Hace 19 horas · "Leave fossil fuels in the ground. It's so simple.This is the most important predicament humanity has ever faced and by design as a result of the enormous op...

  2. Hace 19 horas · George Monbiot will be in conversation with Professor Anne Deighton, discussing the role of neoliberalism in our lives and how it drives us to system collapse (incl. the environment…), building on his recent book “The Invisible Doctrine”.

  3. Hace 3 días · En la segunda quincena de mayo, el diario británico The Guardian publicó un artículo firmado por George Monbiot, que critica el programa de reformas económicas que impulsa el gobierno de Milei y afirma que estarían financiadas por poderosos grupos corporativos nucleados alrededor de la Red Atlas».

  4. Hace 1 día · What I’m Reading: Regenesis by George Monbiot. The meat industry is really pushing this “regenerative” narrative, and unfortunately it’s working. My coworker attended a climate conference and almost everyone there was totally onboard with the fantasy that more cows will somehow reverse climate change.

  5. Hace 3 días · As regular readers of this blog will know, I’ve been going on about the pernicious neoliberal project for many years . For most of that time I have had people who really should

  6. Hace 19 horas · David King George Monbiot Cambridge University A cardboard protest banner, crafted by schoolchildren, displayed around Cambridge University's Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences in a bid to spark conversation about the climate crisis.

  7. Hace 2 días · Por George Monbiot, em seu blog | Tradução: Antonio Martins. Sou patrocinador de uma pequena instituição de caridade local que ajuda crianças em dificuldades a reconstruir a confiança e a conexão. Chama-se Equitação Terapêutica Sirona e funciona reunindo meninas e meninos com cavalos resgatados.