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  1. Had he lived, today, Monday October 28th, would have been Jonas Salks 105th birthday. Last night, an audience of mostly senior citizens remembered and appreciated the enormity of the contribution that he made to world health by developing the polio vaccine.

  2. Hace 4 días · H.R. 1215 destaca a Albert Einstein, al desarrollador de la vacuna contra la polio Jonas Salk, a la astrónoma Vera Rubin, al rabino Abraham Joshua Heschel y a los jugadores de béisbol judíos Sandy Koufax y Hank Greenberg. También señala a Prag Kahn, ...

  3. Hace 2 días · In the mid-20th century, the polio epidemic swept across the United States, leaving thousands of children paralyzed or dead. The development of the polio vaccine by Jonas Salk in 1955 and Albert ...

  4. Hace 3 días · Fundado por Jonas Salk, desenvolvedor da primeira vacina segura e eficaz contra a poliomielite, o Instituto é uma organização de pesquisa independente e sem fins lucrativos e um marco arquitetônico: pequeno por opção, íntimo por natureza e destemido diante de qualquer desafio.

  5. Hace 3 días · Protein Cooperation Boosts Immune System Attack on Invaders. Salk Institute. LA JOLLA (June 5, 2024)—Bacteria, parasites, viruses—the immune system tackles them all. At the front line of the human immune response are cells called macrophages, which are responsible for correctly identifying intruders and then directing how the entire immune ...

  6. Hace 3 días · News Release 5-Jun-2024. Cooperative proteins help the immune system identify and attack invaders. Salk scientists determine how three variants of a protein complex coordinate pathogen-specific ...

  7. Hace 5 días · Researchers at the Salk Institute have discovered that when certain plants respond to high temperatures with rapid root growth, they are reducing their levels of two important nutrients—nitrogen...