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  1. Hace 3 días · The two brothers did not cooperate to repel the Ottoman invasion. According to historian Konstantin Jireček, the brothers were engaged in a bitter conflict over Sofia. [122] Ivan Shishman reneged on his vassal obligation to support the Ottomans with troops during their campaigns.

  2. Hace 5 días · Konstantin Jireček described the event in his diary: "On Friday, at 11:30 a.m., in cloudy weather and a little rain, the ceremonial laying of the foundation stone of the St. Alexander Nevsky Church took place... at the place of the former military Turkish barracks behind St. Sophia [Church]."

  3. Hace 4 días · Konstantin Jireček, naime, navodi jedan dokument iz tog vremena koji se čuva u Dubrovačkom arhivu. Izvjesni Brajan Prodanić se žali dubrovačkom sudu kako mu je šezdeset gorštaka: Pipera, Bjelopavlića i Vasojevića, napalo trgovački karavan, ubilo brata i opljačkalo robu.

  4. Hace 1 día · Poznati istoričar Konstantin Jireček navodi podatak, prema kojem još ugarski kralj Matija Korvin (1458.-1490.) u jednom svom pismu piše da je u to vreme samo za četiri godine u južne krajeve njegove države prešlo oko 200.000 Srba.

  5. Hace 3 días · Konstantin Kosachiov, vicepresidente del Consejo de la Federación de Rusia, aseguró que las acusaciones contra RT se enmarcan en la campaña electoral estadounidense.

  6. Hace 6 días · Konstantin Dzhengozov will be one of the INnovators at the business forum – ALL IN - taking place on September 19. He will take part in the event’s second panel titled ‘INvestments in INnovations: The New Wave’. He is the co-founder and chief financial officer of the first Bulgarian unicorn company Payhawk.

  7. Hace 2 días · Mitten im Leben, Personen Akteur:innen, Arrangierter Text, Bildung/Erziehung, Neuere und neueste Geschichte, Orte, Osmanen II (1839-1922), Praktiken. An der Wende zum 20. Jh. boomten Reisen nach Europa und innerhalb des Osmanischen Reiches.