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  1. Hace 2 días · It is also suggested that Hideyoshi planned an invasion of China to fulfill the dreams of his late lord, Oda Nobunaga, and to mitigate the possible threat of civil disorder or rebellion posed by the large number of now-idle samurai and soldiers in unified Japan.

  2. Hace 5 días · Oda Nobunaga—known as early modern Japan’s re-unifier—is generally considered a pioneer of the early modern regime in Japan. This chapter explores the Oda administration’s monetary policies, especially those regarding bronze coins, and reconsiders their significance in the sixteenth century.

  3. Hace 2 días · Nobunaga was the daimyō of the small province of Owari. He burst onto the scene suddenly, in 1560, when, during the Battle of Okehazama, his army defeated a force several times its size led by the powerful daimyō Imagawa Yoshimoto. Nobunaga was renowned for his strategic leadership and his ruthlessness.

  4. Hace 1 día · Tokugawa Ieyasu [a] [b] (born Matsudaira Takechiyo; [c] January 31, 1543 – June 1, 1616) was the founder and first shōgun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan, which ruled from 1603 until the Meiji Restoration in 1868. He was one of the three "Great Unifiers" of Japan, along with his former lord Oda Nobunaga and fellow Oda subordinate Toyotomi ...

  5. Hace 4 días · Battle of Nagashino, (28 June 1575). In Japan’s Age of Warring States, Nagashino castle held out against the Takeda in a classic siege. The besiegers tried attacks by river, mining, and through fierce hand-to-hand assaults.

  6. Hace 3 días · Out of these bloody struggles emerged one Sengoku daimyo, Oda Nobunaga of Owari province (in modern Aichi prefecture), who succeeded in occupying the capital as the first feudal unifier.

  7. Hace 5 días · 織田信 cháng [註 1] (日语: 織田 信長/おだ のぶなが Oda Nobunaga ,1534年6月23日—1582年6月21日)是活躍於 日本 戰國時代 至 安土桃山時代 的 大名 ,於1568年開始至1582年逝世前,為掌握日本政治局勢的領導人,推翻了名義上管治日本逾200餘年的 室町幕府 ,使從 應仁之亂 起持續百年以上的亂世步向終結。 在 日本歷史 上,與臣下 豐臣秀吉 、盟友 德川家康 兩人並稱「 戰國三傑 」。 織田信長於1534年在 尾張國 (今 愛知縣 西部) 勝幡城 (日语:勝幡城) 出生(另有生於 那古野城 一說)。 幼名 吉法師 ,通稱 三郎 。 在父親 織田信秀 死後,以 嫡長子 身分繼承 家督 。