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  1. having a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich. ambicioso. an ambitious young lawyer un abogado joven y ambicioso. He's very ambitious for his children (= he wants them to be successful). Ambiciona grandes cosas para sus hijos. B2. If a plan or idea is ambitious, it needs a great amount of skill and effort to be successful or be achieved.

  2. ambitious adj. (person: eager to succeed) ambicioso/a adj. She was ambitious enough to aim for the company's presidency. Era lo suficientemente ambiciosa como para aspirar a la presidencia de la compañía. ambitious adj.

  3. having a strong desire for success, achievement, power, or wealth: Even as a young man he was ambitious and self-assured. If you describe an activity as ambitious, you mean that it involves a lot of effort or expense: It was an ambitious project to restore the public parks.

  4. Traducción de 'ambitious' en el diccionario gratuito de inglés-español y muchas otras traducciones en español.

  5. adjetivo. 1. having a strong desire for success or achievement; wanting power, money, etc. 2. necessitating extraordinary effort or ability. an ambitious project. 3. (often foll by of) having a great desire (for something or to do something) Collins English Dictionary.

  6. ambitious. adj. [person, plan, goal] ambicioso. he was not an ambitious man no era un hombre ambicioso. perhaps you're being too ambitious quizá estés intentando abarcar demasiado. if you feel a bit more ambitious you could try this recipe si te sientes con ganas de probar algo más difícil, puedes intentar esta receta.

  7. a. æmˈbɪʃəs, . . amˈbɪʃəs] ADJ. 1. ambitious (desiring success): ambitious person. ambicioso. to be ambitious for sth / to + infin she's ambitious for power. tiene ambición de poder. he's ambitious to get to the top. ambiciona llegar a la cima. ambitious of sth form. I am ambitious of success. aspiro a triunfar. ambitious of sth form.