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  1. Shelley Jackson (born 1963) is an American writer and artist known for her cross-genre experimental works. These include her hyperfiction Patchwork Girl (1995) and her first novel, Half Life (2006).

  2. The author and artist Shelley Jackson has produced a corpus of work in print and electronic media that takes as its central focus the relationship between human identity and the body's constituent organs, fluids, connective tissues, and other parts.

  3. 24 de oct. de 2018 · Jackson, the author of six physical books and three works of hypertext, as well as the progenitor of many hard-to-categorize literary experiments, is a self-declared lover of—and advocate for—the...

  4. Shelley Jackson is an American writer and artist known for her cross-genre experiments, including her hyperfiction, Patchwork Girl (1995). Her first novel was published in 2006, Half Life. In the late nineties, Jackson alternated hypertext work with writing short stories.

  5. Shelley Jackson: literatura a flor de piel. En este trabajo pretendemos analizar desde los marcos teóricos disponibles un proyecto contemporáneo que escapa u ofrece un desafío a esos marcos.

  6. "Skin Project", el último trabajo de la escritora norteamericana Shelley Jackson, consistente en contar una historia de 2.095 palabras pero lo singular del asunto, es que cada palabra va tatuada en la piel de algún voluntario, en alguna parte del mundo.

  7. SHELLEY JACKSON: LITERATURA A FLOR DE PIEL. Lucía Santarelli1. U.N.S. “estamos dentro y en medio de un vigoroso proceso de refundición de formas literarias”. (Benjamin, 1998) Introducción. En este trabajo pretendemos analizar desde los marcos teóricos literarios disponibles un proyecto contemporáneo que escapa u ofrece un desafío a esos marcos.