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  1. Browse 35 public repositories on GitHub that demonstrate how to create a responsive portfolio website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other technologies. Find code, issues, pull requests, and discussions for each repository.

  2. SpotX is a patcher that lets you customize the desktop version of Spotify, such as blocking ads, hiding podcasts, and disabling updates. It supports PowerShell, JavaScript, and batchfile scripts, and has a new theme and lyrics feature.

  3. SubtitleEdit is a free and open source tool for creating and editing subtitles. Browse the latest releases of SubtitleEdit for Windows, Linux and portable versions, with checksums, changelogs and user feedback.

  4. 波恩-奥本海默近似是一种假设电子结构调整的时间尺度远小于离子运动的时间尺度的近似,常用于分子动力学模拟和量子化学计算。本网页收集了多位知乎用户的回答,解释了波恩-奥本海默近似的物理意义、计算方法和应用场景,并提供了相关的参考文献和链接。

  5. 3 de ene. de 2017 · GitHub Gists are public or private repositories that let you store and share code, notes, and snippets. Browse popular gists on various topics, such as xz-utils backdoor, Windows power settings, Git commit best practices, and more.

  6. This is the official GitHub mirror of the Chromium source, an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable web experience. To download Chromium, follow the instructions on how to get the code or visit

  7. BtbN/FFmpeg-Builds is a GitHub repository that provides automatic builds of FFmpeg, a popular multimedia framework and codec library. The latest releases are available for Linux, Windows and ARM platforms, with different license options and source code formats.

  8. 她亲爹是拜伦勋爵。对就是那个赫赫有名的浪漫主义诗人拜伦. 传说是她小的时候父亲就离开母女俩了,她妈妈为了不让她步父亲的后尘成为不切实际的浪漫主义者,禁止她看她爹的诗,请了一大帮人教她数学和科学,长大之后是个不折不扣的理工女

  9. 2 de nov. de 2015 · Jackett is a proxy server that translates queries from apps into tracker-site-specific http queries and sends results back. It supports various public, semi-private and private trackers and can be run on Windows, Linux and macOS.

  10. LabelImg is a graphical tool for annotating images in PASCAL VOC, YOLO and CreateML formats. Learn how to install LabelImg on Linux, Mac, Windows, Docker or Python, and how to use it to create rectangles, circles and polygons.