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  1. La quiropraxia fue desarrollada en Davenport, Iowa, por Daniel David Palmer, un curandero autodidacta. El doctor Palmer deseaba encontrar una curación para las enfermedades y padecimientos que no empleara fármacos. Él estudió la estructura de la columna vertebral y el arte antiguo de mover el cuerpo con las manos (manipulación).

  2. In 1885, Daniel David Palmer originally began working as a healer in Davenport, Iowa. Over the next 10 years, based on his clinical observations, he developed a new approach to health care. He said that his new method began in September 1895, however he had not yet named its practice at that time.

  3. Daniel David Palmer (March 7, 1845 – October 20, 1913) was the founder of chiropractic. Palmer was born in Pickering Township, Canada West, but emigrated to the United States in 1865. He was also an avid proponent of pseudoscientific alternative medicine such as magnetic healing.

  4. 23 de sept. de 2009 · Port Perry, ON – On Saturday, September 19, a plaque honouring Daniel David (D.D) Palmer, was unveiled in Palmer Park, Port Perry, Ontario. Hosted by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada and the municipality of Skugog – in which Port Perry is located – the unveiling ceremony was organized to commemorate the national

  5. Der magnetische Heiler Daniel David Palmer hat Wunderhände. Vor 120 Jahren legt der US-Amerikaner seine Hand auf die Wirbelsäule von Harvey Lillard und zieht an der richtigen Stelle. Die ...

  6. 23 de nov. de 2017 · Daniel David Palmer, the father of chiropractic medicine, sets out the principles of manually correcting disorders of the bones as a panacea for various ills of the human biology. When he founded his practice of chiropractic medicine in the 1890s, Palmer claimed to have received inspiration from a spiritual or divine force. Although Palmer received criticism for frequently voicing this origin ...

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    Daniel David Palmer. Apicultor, maestro de escuela y dueño de una tienda de comestibles, eligió la palabra y desarrolló la quiropráctica. Detractor de la vacunación e interesado y practicante de terapias alternativas como el magnetismo y el espiritismo, sus inicios en la quiropráctica remontan a 1895 examinando y tratando a un conserje.