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  1. However, despite the initial popularity of Barruel's book, it was soon rejected by his contemporaries. Indeed, the second and third volumes of the Memoires, in which Barruel analyzed the conspiracy of the Free- masons and the Illuminati, were by no means as well received as the first volume. There were already several refutations of the conspiracy theory soon after the publication of the Me ...

  2. Augustin Barruel nacque il 2 ottobre 1741, figlio di un luogotenente del podestà di Vivarais. Terminati gli studi, entrò a far parte della Compagnia di Gesù. Negli anni della persecuzione dei gesuiti si recò in Austria dove pronunciò i primi voti, quindi alcuni anni in Boemia, poi in Moravia e quindi a Vienna, dove fu professore nel ...

  3. Augustin Barruel ( 2. října 1741 ve Villeneuve-de-Berg – 5. října 1820 v Paříži) byl jezuitský kněz a polemický katolický publicista. Je známý svou konspirační teorií o původu Velké francouzské revoluce, podle které ji zorganizovaly a provedly tajné společnosti a nešlo o spontánní povstání lidu. Původ Velké ...

  4. Barruel, indeed, seems to have been the first to portray clearly the necessary consequences to civil government, to the Church, and to the social order that must result from the atheistic oathbound associations that had acquired such tremendous power on the continent of Europe.

  5. Augustin Barruel (October 2, 1741 – October 5, 1820) was a French publicist and Jesuit priest. He is now mostly known for setting forth the conspiracy theory involving the Bavarian Illuminati and the Jacobins in his book Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism (original title Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire du Jacobinisme) published in 1797. In short, Barruel wrote that the French ...

  6. Augustin Barruel (1741-1820) nacido en el seno de una familia noble, había estudiado en el colegio jesuita de Tournon antes de entrar en la Compañía de Jesús. Enseñaba en el colegio de Toulouse cuando el decreto de Luis XV (1764) suprimió la Compañía de Jesús en el reino de Francia. Queriendo seguir siendo jesuita, partió para Polonia, pero el provincial le envió a enseñar ...

  7. Barruel, AUGUSTIN, controversialist and publicist, b. at Villeneuve de Berg (Ardeche), October 2, 1741; d. at Paris, October 5, 1820. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1756 and taught grammar at Toulouse in 1762. The storm against the Jesuits in France drove him from his country and he was occupied in college work in Moravia and Bohemia until ...