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  1. 24 de feb. de 2014 · A finales de los años setenta dos actores, Dan Aykroyd y John Belushi, amantes del blues montaron un grupo llamado The Blues Brothers y en 1980 sacaron una película de culto del mismo nombre ...

  2. Argumento. Blues Brothers 2000 transcurre 18 años después de The Blues Brothers, con Elwood Blues (Dan Aykroyd) después de ser liberado de prisión, esta vez de una prisión privada en lugar de la antigua cárcel del estado de Illinois representada en la primera película.Se entera de que su hermano, Jake (John Belushi) ha muerto, junto con su padre sustituto Curtis (Cab Calloway), y que el ...

  3. There are two ways to watch this movie - for comedy or for the music. I love both and the Blues Brothers delivers on both fronts. Beyond just Belushi and Aykroyd, the entire cast delivers non-stop laughter. The musical lineup - John Lee Hooker, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, James Brown - simply unmatched in any other film.

  4. The Blues Brothers és el nom d'una banda de blues composta pels actors Dan Aykroyd i John Belushi i alguns dels músics més importants de la música soul. És també el títol d'una pel·lícula estrenada el 1980, narrant la història fictícia d'aquest grup.

  5. American Rhythm & Blues duo, founded in 1978 by comedians John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd.As the characters Joliet Jake Blues and Elwood Blues, Belushi and Aykroyd performed as the lead vocalist and harpist/vocalist, respectively.In character, they were the frontmen for The Blues Brothers Band which was composed of renowned musicians. The band made its debut as the musical guest on the April 22 ...

  6. One of the best scenes was when the Blues Bros encouraged Trump supporters to jump off a bridge: Sigh, if only ;D Not one I'll buy, but glad to see it, especially since you can see its influence on future movies - the way Ace Ventura parks, Bill & Ted's time machine, even the line that would forever belong to Ghostbusters a few years later uttered by Ackroyd himself!

  7. The Blues Brothers movie clips: THE MOVIE: