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  1. Vassar College considers applications submitted by undocumented or DACA-mented students for the first-year class with the same consideration given to any other applicants when reviewing their application. Although funding is limited, the College is committed to meeting the full, ...

  2. Matthew Vassar Edifici principal, construït el 1861 per l'arquitecte James Renwick, Jr., va ser l'edifici dels Estats Units amb més espai d'interior fins que es va completar el Capitoli el 1868.. Vassar va ser fundat com a escola per a dones sota el nom de Vassar Female College el 1861. De seguida, el fundador Matthew Vassar va treure la paraula Female del nom, amb la idea que en algun ...

  3. Founded in 1861, Vassar College is a liberal arts institution with a main campus in Poughkeepsie, a town in the southeastern region of New York state that is 85 miles from New York city. The college is named for brewer and merchant Matthew Vassar. At first a women’s college, the institute has been co-educational since 1969. Vassar is a college with an array of facilities. Those studying ...

  4. 瓦薩學院(英語: Vassar College )是在美國 紐約州 波啟浦夕市的一所私立,男女同校的文理學院 美國國家歷史名勝,建築風格迥異,由學院哥德式到國際樣式不等,建築的設計時間跨度超過了學院的歷史,前後由一批優秀的建築師完成,包括小詹姆斯·倫威克、埃羅 ...

  5. Vassar College é uma das mais antigas, tradicionais e renomadas instituições privadas mista de ensino e de artes, de alto nível dos Estados Unidos. É situada em Poughkeepsie, cem quilômetros ao norte da cidade de Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos.. Fundado em 1861 por Matthew Vassar como faculdade exclusivamente para mulheres. Foi a primeira universidade laica para mulheres nos Estados Unidos.

  6. Vassar College on yksityinen korkeakoulu Poughkeepsiessä, Yhdysvaltojen New Yorkin osavaltiossa. Siellä voi suorittaa kandidaatin tutkinnon taiteissa, kielissä, luonnontieteissä tai sosiologiassa, sekä maisterin tutkinnon biologiassa, kemiassa ja teatteritieteessä.

  7. The Arboretum. Nature and landscape have been integral to Vassar’s culture, campus, and curriculum since the inception of the College. Its site in the Hudson Valley has long been naturally enriched by lakes and creeks, and surrounded by gentle ravines, hollows, farmland, grasslands, and woods, creating a striking range of landscape types, as well as ecological diversity.