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  1. Die Zeitmaschine (englischer Originaltitel The Time Machine) ist ein Science-Fiction -Roman von H. G. Wells . Dieser 1895 erschienene Klassiker der Science-Fiction-Literatur ist die erste literarische Beschreibung einer Zeitreise in die Zukunft, die mittels einer Zeitmaschine bewerkstelligt wird. Der Roman wurde mehrmals verfilmt (siehe: Die ...

  2. The Time Machine, American science-fiction film, released in 1960, that was based on H.G. Wells’s classic story that explores both the theoretical possibilities and the perils of time travel. A Victorian-era scientist (played by Rod Taylor) invents a machine that transports him through time. He

  3. A pull of the Time Machine’s lever propels him to the age of a slowly dying Earth. There he discovers two bizarre races—the ethereal Eloi and the subterranean Morlocks—who not only symbolize the duality of human nature, but offer a terrifying portrait of the men of tomorrow as well. Published in 1895, this masterpiece of invention ...

  4. The Time Machine is a work of science-fiction that imagines how the social conditions of Victorian England have evolved in the year 802,701. The story opens on a dinner party at the home of an eminent scientist, the Time Traveller, who is explaining to his assembled guests (including the narrator telling the story) principles of science and math that support the possibility of traveling across ...

  5. Haz clic en General en la barra lateral y, a continuación, haz clic en Time Machine a la derecha. Haz clic en Añadir disco de copia de seguridad o en el botón Añadir (+). Selecciona el dispositivo de almacenamiento conectado y haz clic en Configurar disco. Es posible que el Mac te pregunte si quieres borrar el dispositivo de almacenamiento ...

  6. 《时间机器》是英国作家赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯创作的中篇小说,首次出版于1895年。该作讲述时间旅行者发明了一种机器,能够在时间纬度上任意驰骋于过去和未来。当他乘着机器来到公元802701年时,展现在他面前的是一幅奇异恐陌的景象。人类分化为两个种族:爱洛伊人和莫洛克人。前一种人长得 ...

  7. The Time Machine è un film di fantascienza del 2002 diretto da Simon Wells. È ispirato all'omonimo romanzo di H. G. Wells (di cui il regista è bisnipote) e al film del 1960 L'uomo che visse nel futuro, di cui costituisce un remake Trama. New York, fine del XIX secolo. Alexander ...