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  1. Born in Texas and raised in Kansas, Dwight D. Eisenhower was one of America's greatest military commanders and the thirty-fourth President of the United States. Inspired by the example of a friend who was going to the U.S. Naval Academy, Eisenhower won an appointment to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

  2. Dwight David ”Ike” Eisenhower (14. lokakuuta 1890 Denison, Texas, Yhdysvallat – 28. maaliskuuta 1969 Washington D.C., Yhdysvallat) oli Yhdysvaltain 34. presidentti vuosina 1953–1961, liittoutuneiden Euroopan joukkojen ylin komentaja toisessa maailmansodassa 1942–1945 ja Naton joukkojen komentaja 1951–1952.. Presidenttinä hän aloitti kilpajuoksun avaruuteen perustamalla Nasan ...

  3. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Bringing to the presidency his vast experience as commanding general of the victorious forces in Europe during World War II, Dwight Eisenhower oversaw the growth of postwar prosperity. In a rare boast he said, “The United States never lost a soldier or a foot of ground in my administration ...

  4. Dwight David Eisenhower (Denison, 14. listopada 1890. – Washington, DC, 28. ožujka 1969.), američki general, političar i predsjednik. U Drugom svjetskom ratu bio je pomoćnik načelnika Generalštaba, a u lipnju 1942. imenovan je zapovjednikom savezničkih snaga u Europi.Rukovodio je invazijom saveznika na sjevernu Afriku, iskrcavanjem na Siciliju, invazijom na Apeninski poluotok te ...

  5. Dwight David «Ike» Eisenhower fue un militar y político que sirvió como el 34.º presidente de los Estados Unidos entre 1953 y 1961. General de cinco estrellas del Ejército de los Estados Unidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, fue comandante supremo aliado en el frente de la Europa occidental, responsable de la planificación y supervisión de la invasión del norte de África en la ...

  6. 1 de jul. de 2019 · Dwight David Eisenhower Chronology. October 14, 1890: David Dwight Eisenhower was born in Denison, Texas, third of seven sons of David Jacob and Ida Elizabeth Stover Eisenhower.He was called Dwight from an early age to avoid confusion with his father. 1892: The family returned to Abilene, Kansas.In school, Dwight's older brother was nicknamed "Big Ike," and he became "Little Ike."

  7. 14 de may. de 2023 · Todas las noticias sobre Dwight D. Eisenhower publicadas en EL PAÍS. Información, novedades y última hora sobre Dwight D. Eisenhower.