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  1. 由英国国王爱德华六世于1552年成立的什鲁斯伯里公学(Shrewsbury School), 是英格兰最古老、也是最大的一所寄宿学校,九大公学之一。从伦敦坐火车约两个半小时,就来到了英格兰中部地区的什鲁斯伯里小镇。 与热…

  2. Shrewsbury school school has an established Special Education Needs (SEN) provision specialising in dyslexic learning differences. Read more below … INTERNATIONAL FEES FULL BOARDING FEES £42405. QUALIFICATIONS GCSE, A LEVEL. LANGUAGE ENGLISH AS ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE. GENDER MIXED.

  3. シュルーズベリー・スクール(英: Shrewsbury School )またはシュルーズベリー校は、1552年にロイヤル憲章によって設立された13~18歳生徒用の男女共学私立学校。 元々は、シュロップシャー州シュルーズベリーのセヴァーン川ほとりに位置していたが、1882年に現在の位置に移動した。

  4. Shrewsbury School delivers whole-person education in a thriving and inclusive boarding and day school community that champions the individual. We believe that the true purpose of education is the cultivation of inner virtues, life skills and character strengths that equip our young people with the confidence and direction to pursue meaningful and successful lives.

  5. Shrewsbury School International Hong Kong opens, and a second campus opens at Shrewsbury School International Bangkok to cater for primary school-aged children : 2020: Theatre refurbished and extended and reopened as the Barnes Theatre: Named after major benefactor Sir David Barnes (R 1949-54)

  6. Shrewsbury School 是位於英格蘭西部、擁有超過 460 年歷史的寄宿學校,由 2008 起開始接受女生申請,並慢慢轉為男女校。現時學生約有 800 人,當中包括約 400 位中六中七學生(Year 12-13)。

  7. Shrewsbury School 總共設有 13 座宿舍,致力為學生提供良好的生活環境。每座宿舍都有男女舍監、保姆照顧學生的日常起居生活。宿舍亦有醫生駐守醫療中心並每天應診,確保學生健康。宿舍為學生培養強烈的歸屬感,舉辦多個學社比賽如戲劇、音樂和體育。