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  1. Andrew Jackson (n. 15 martie 1767, Waxhaws ⁠(d), America Britanică ⁠(d) – d. 8 iunie 1845, Tennessee, SUA) a fost un militar și om de stat american, care a servit drept al șaptelea președinte al Statelor Unite din 1829 până în 1837. Înainte de a fi ales președinte, Jackson a dobândit faimă ca general în Armata Statelor Unite și a servit în ambele camere ale Congresului.

  2. Andrew Jackson, född 15 mars 1767, död 8 juni 1845, var en amerikansk general, advokat och politiker. Han var USA:s 7:e president och satt mellan åren 1829 och 1837. Jackson tillhörde den "demokratiska" falangen av det gamla republikanska partiet som efter presidentvalet 1828 formellt bildade det demokratiska partiet.

  3. Overview. Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States. He served two terms in office from 1829 to 1837. During Jackson’s presidency, the United States evolved from a republic—in which only landowners could vote—to a mass democracy, in which white men of all socioeconomic classes were enfranchised.

  4. 14 de nov. de 2016 · Desde que viniera al mundo en 1767, Andrew Jackson (hijo de inmigrantes irlandeses) destacó por su altanería.Así lo demostró allá por la década de los ochenta cuando -con 13 años y tras ...

  5. Andrew Jackson was the first president from west of the Appalachian Mountains.He was the beneficiary and purported leader of a significant political movement later called “ Jacksonian Democracy” to denote the change from gentry control of American politics to broader popular participation. As president, Jackson enlarged the power and scope of the office with the innovative use of the veto ...

  6. Andrew Jackson fue un abogado, general y estadista estadounidense que se desempeñó como el séptimo presidente de los Estados Unidos desde 1829 hasta 1837. Jackson nació al término de la era colonial en algún lugar de la frontera todavía no marcada de Carolina del Norte y Carolina del Sur. Provenía de una familia recién emigrada escocesa e irlandesa de recursos medios.

  7. Andrew Jackson served as the 7 th President of the United States. Before his Presidential term, Jackson was a celebrated military commander who led American troops during The Creek War of 1813-14, War of 1812 and First Seminole War. Known as a populist candidate and revered military leader in his time, Andrew Jackson’s complicated life tells us much about warfare and politics in the United ...