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  1. Vladislao II Jagellón de Hungría y Bohemia (en húngaro: II. Ulászló) (Cracovia, 1 de marzo de 1456-Buda (ahora Budapest), 13 de marzo de 1516), Rey de Bohemia (1471-1516) y trigésimoquinto Rey de Hungría (1490-1516).

  2. Vladislao II de Bohemia y Hungría. Rey de Bohemia de 1471 a 1516 y trigésimo quinto Rey de Hungría de 1490-1516.

  3. Vladislao II Jagellón de Hungría y Bohemia (en húngaro: II. Ulászló) ( Cracovia, 1 de marzo de 1456- Buda (ahora Budapest ), 13 de marzo de 1516), Rey de Bohemia (1471-1516) y trigésimoquinto Rey de Hungría (1490-1516).

  4. Vladislaus II, also known as Vladislav, Władysław or Wladislas (Hungarian: II. Ulászló; 1 March 1456 – 13 March 1516), was King of Bohemia from 1471 to 1516 and King of Hungary and of Croatia from 1490 to 1516. As the eldest son of Casimir IV Jagiellon, he was expected to inherit Poland and Lithuania.

  5. Vladislaus II or Vladislav II (c. 1110 – 18 January 1174) was the Duke of Bohemia from 1140 and then King of Bohemia from 1158 until his abdication in 1173. He was the second Bohemian king after Vratislaus II , but in neither case was the royal title hereditary.

  6. Vladislas II was the king of Bohemia from 1471 and of Hungary from 1490 who achieved the personal union of his two realms. The eldest son of Casimir IV Jagiełło, king of Poland, Vladislas was elected king of Bohemia in 1471. The early part of his reign was spent in conflict with the Hungarian king.

  7. La guerra de Bohemia o guerra checo-húngara (en checo: Česko-uherské války, en húngaro: cseh-magyar háborúk (1468-1478) comenzó cuando el rey de Hungría, Matías Corvino, invadió el reino de Bohemia, Matías invadió con el pretexto de devolver Bohemia al catolicismo, pues en ese momento, estaba gobernado por el rey husita Jorge de ...