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  1. Summary of answer. Zina is one of the forbidden deeds, one of the most serious major sins after shirk and murder. All religions are agreed that Zina is haram; no religion allows it. The punishment for Zina is the most severe of punishments, because it violates peoples’ honour and lineages. Learn more in the detailed answer. Praise be to Allah.

  2. 2 de jun. de 2005 · La zina de los ojos es mirar, la zina de la lengua es hablar, uno puede querer y desear, y las partes privadas confirman eso o lo niegan.” Narrado por al-Bujari, 5889; Muslim, 2657. No está permitido que un Musulmán desee las cosas que conducen a la zina, como lo es besarse, estar a solas, tocarse y mirarse, ya que todas estas cosas son haraam y conducen al mayor de los males que es la zina.

  3. 4 de ago. de 2003 · Summary of answer. Zina does not refer only to penetration, rather there is 1- the zina of the hand, 2- the zina of the eyes, and 3- the zina of the tongue, even though zina that is committed with the private parts, is the zina which is punishable with the hadd in Islam. Answer.

  4. 2 de oct. de 2007 · Punishment for zina. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has told us of the punishment that those who commit zina will receive in their graves before the Hour begins, and that they will be punished with fire. Narrated by al-Bukhari (1320). Because of the abhorrent nature of this crime, Allah has decreed that the punishment ...

  5. 1 de ene. de 1998 · Summary of answer. To repent from zina, you should: 1. Never despair from the mercy of Allah 2. Have a sincere repentance from your heart 3. Pray to God the Almighty to save you from Hell and award you with Paradise for your repentance and good deeds. Praise be to Allah.

  6. 5 de abr. de 2002 · Zina encompasses all the characteristics of evil: lack of religious commitment, loss of piety, loss of chivalry, lack of protective jealousy (gheerah). You will not find any adulterer who is pious, or keeps his promises, or speaks truthfully, or is a good friend, or has complete protective jealousy towards his family.

  7. 28 de ene. de 2010 · Summary of answer. Zina, alcohol and gambling are all major sins. The most serious of these three major sins is zina. The basic principle is that zina is the worst of the three, then alcohol, then gambling. But it may vary according to the evil consequences that result from it. Answer.

  8. 19 de abr. de 2003 · Please answer in accordance with the Quran and sunnah. I will be very grateful. Summary of answer. Allah forgives zina if one offers sincere repentance. Prophet Muhammad said: “The one who repents from sin is like the one who did not sin.”. For more, see the detailed answer. Answer. Contents Related. Punishment is expiation for sins.

  9. 8 de ene. de 2009 · Answer. Praise be to Allah. Zina is one of the worst of haraam actions and is one of the greatest of major sins. Allaah has issued a warning to the mushrikeen, those who kill unlawfully and those who commit zina of a double punishment on the Day of Resurrection and an eternity of punishment in which they will be humiliated because of the ...

  10. 16 de dic. de 2005 · Praise be to Allah. Firstly: In the case of zina, the hadd punishment is conditional upon penetration, which means that the head of the penis disappears into the vagina. If it does not penetrate it or only part of it penetrates it, then he is not subject to the hadd punishment. It says in al-Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah (24/23), explaining the ...