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  1. › comment › 34264850Forum - Duolingo

    Forum - Duolingo. Connect with language learners all over the world to exhange tips and post your questions.

  2. 19 de jun. de 2017 · It means "how many people." 人 is a counter just like 本, 冊, 枚 and we ask quantities with 何本, 何冊, 何枚. おいくつ means "how old are you," and it does not mean "how many." いくつ without お means "how many" but it can never be used to count the number of people. October 4, 2019. Learn how to use the Japanese sentence ...

  3. Learn how to use the Greek sentence ""Ο Πλάτωνας υποστήριζε ένα φιλόσοφο - βασιλιά."" (Plato was an advocate of a philosopher king.) by discussing it with the Duolingo community.

  4. Learn how to use the Hebrew sentence ""אם הוא רוצֶה להיות חזק, הוא צריך להתעמל."" (If he wants to be strong, he needs to exercise.) by discussing it with the Duolingo community.

  5. Learn how to use the Hindi sentence ""राज के पिता तुमसे बेहतर खेलते हैं।"" (Raj's father plays better than you.) by discussing it with the Duolingo community.

  6. Μάθε πώς να χρησιμοποιείς την πρόταση She goes in the opposite direction. ("Αυτή πηγαίνει προς την αντίθετη κατεύθυνση.") στα Αγγλικά συζητώντας την με την κοινότητα του Duo

  7. Learn how to use the Greek sentence ""Ο επιστήμονας έγραψε ένα σύντομο αλλά ενδιαφέρον άρθρο για τη σύγχρονη τεχνολογία."" (The scientist wrote a short but interesting article about modern technology.) by discussing it with the Duolingo community.

  8. Обсудите на форуме Duolingo, как использовать выражение «Würden Sie mir bitte folgen?» на немецком ("Не могли бы Вы следовать за мной, пожалуйста?")

  9. Обсудите на форуме Duolingo, как использовать выражение «Good milk chocolate is sweet without a bitter aftertaste.» на английском ("Хороший молочный шоколад - сладкий, без горького послевкусия.")

  10. Aprenda como usar a frase em inglês "Max dresses like a movie star, so he always looks good." ("O Max se veste como uma estrela de cinema, então ele está sempre bonito.") com as dicas da comunidade Duolingo.