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  1. The Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service was founded in 1919 as the first school of international affairs in the United States. It offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs in Washington, D.C., and through Georgetown's campus in Doha, Qatar.

  2. La Escuela del Servicio Exterior fue establecida por fr. Edmund A. Walsh, S.J. con el objetivo de preparar a los estadounidenses para diversas profesiones internacionales a raíz de la expansión de la participación de Estados Unidos en los asuntos mundiales después de la Primera Guerra Mundial.

  3. Walsh School of Foreign Service ICC 301 · 37th and O St NW Washington, DC 20057. P. +1 (202) 687-5696

  4. The Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) is the school of international relations at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. It grants degrees at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

  5. The Walsh School of Foreign Service awarded its first graduate degree in the early 1920s. Since that time, the SFS has continued to develop an innovative approach to graduate education for professional careers in international affairs.

  6. Walsh School of Foreign Service ICC 301 · 37th and O St NW Washington, DC 20057. P. +1 (202) 687-5696

  7. La Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, conocida simplemente como School of Foreign Service o SFS, es una escuela de relaciones internacionales en la Universidad de Georgetown en Washington D. C..