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  1. Pedro Neto has 3885 possible evolution paths, currently 3 of these paths are active and can be completed. Pedro Neto's highest rated evolution card is rated 94. and the highest rated evolution card that is active is 87. Active evolutions: Incisive Pass Master , Homegrown TOTS.

  2. Browse through all the possible Evolutions upgrades for Pedro Neto's EA SPORTS FC FUT cards and find the best fit for your squad and playstyle!

  3. Best Active Pedro Neto Evolution. The path below shows the highest rated evolution you can currently achieve for Pedro Neto in FC 24. TIP: Tap any card to see the in game stats for that upgrade!

  4. Pedro Neto's Evolutions III card is rated 86, he is 172cm | 5'8" tall, left-footed Portugal midfielder (LM) that plays for Wolves in Premier League with High/Med work rates. He has 5-star weak foot and 5-star skill moves, giving him the ability to perform every skill move in the game.

  5. 1 de nov. de 2023 · el dÍa de hoy les traigo la review de pedro neto, un jugador gratis en evolutions pero por una cantidad de partidos que es de locos, valdrÁ la pena?????...

  6. Find the perfect Evolution to suit Pedro Neto in EA FC 24 by browsing all available Evolutions.

  7. Complete these Evolutions, followed by Weak Foot Training to upgrade to the 80 version of Pedro Neto