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  1. The history of Shanghai spans over a thousand years and closely parallels the development of modern China. Originally a small agricultural village, Shanghai developed during the late Qing dynasty (16441912) as one of China's principal trading ports.

  2. 25 de jun. de 2024 · With the cooling of relations after 1960, Shanghai resumed its key position as China’s leading scientific and technological research centre, with the country’s most highly skilled labour force. Beginning in the late 20th century, Shanghai transformed itself into China’s most-advanced city and became the centre of the country’s economic ...

  3. Hace 2 días · Shanghai was one of the first Chinese ports to be opened to Western trade, and it long dominated the nation’s commerce. Since the communist victory in 1949, however, it has become an industrial giant whose products supply China’s growing domestic demands.

  4. Being created 6,000 years ago, Shanghai was a fishing village at first and then became a port. Later, it was known as a trading, financial and shipping center of the Far East Area. From 1978 to present, Shanghai now becomes an international metropolis as a business and technology center.

  5. Historia. Muros de la ciudad vieja de Shanghái. Pintura del siglo XVII. Shanghái empezó a cobrar importancia como ciudad durante la dinastía Han cuando se empezaron a desarrollar la pesca y la industria de la sal.

  6. Descubre la historia de Shanghái desde los primeros restos prehistóricos encontrados hasta la moderna ciudad que es a día de hoy. Restos prehistóricos indican que la zona donde se sitúa la actual Shanghái estuvo habitada desde el neolítico por pueblos de pescadores y agricultores.

  7. › wiki › ShanghaiShanghai - Wikipedia

    Originally a fishing village and market town, Shanghai grew in importance in the 19th century due to both domestic and foreign trade and its favorable port location.

  8. A mediados de la década de 1930, Shanghai era una ciudad enorme con una población de unos 3 millones de habitantes. Muchos extranjeros vivían allí, incluidos los rusos que huyeron de la Revolución. Sin embargo, en 1937 los japoneses invadieron China y en noviembre capturaron Shanghai.

  9. 19 de abr. de 2024 · Fundada cerca de la desembocadura del Yangtsé, el río que da acceso al interior de China, la “ciudad sobre el mar” pasó de ser un pequeño puerto pesquero en el siglo VII a un boyante centro...

  10. Shanghai History. Originally little more than marshland, Shanghai was an insignificant village for much of its early history, and was inhabited by people from the Majiabang tribe from around 5000BC.