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  1. Tumba de Algarotti en el cementerio de Pisa. El conde Francesco Algarotti (Venecia, 11 de diciembre de 1712-Pisa, 3 de mayo de 1764) fue un erudito, escritor, ensayista y coleccionista de arte italiano.

  2. Count Francesco Algarotti (11 December 1712 – 3 May 1764) was an Italian polymath, philosopher, poet, essayist, anglophile, art critic and art collector. He was a man of broad knowledge, an expert in Newtonianism, architecture and opera.

  3. Francesco Algarotti (Venezia, 11 dicembre 1712 – Pisa, 3 maggio 1764) è stato uno scrittore, saggista e collezionista d'arte italiano, polimata, filosofo, poeta.

  4. 30 de abr. de 2024 · Francesco Algarotti (born December 11, 1712, Venice [Italy]—died May 3, 1764, Pisa) was a cosmopolitan connoisseur of the arts and sciences who was esteemed by the philosophers of the Enlightenment for his wide knowledge and elegant presentation of advanced ideas.

  5. El conde Francesco Algarotti fue un erudito, escritor, ensayista y coleccionista de arte italiano.

  6. El comte Francesco Algarotti (Venècia, 11 de desembre de 1712 - Pisa, 3 de maig de 1764) fou un filòsof, poeta, assagista, anglòfil, crític d'art i col·leccionista d'art. Era un home molt il·lustrat, un expert en newtonisme, arquitectura i òpera.

  7. Biography Index. Born in Venice, Francesco Algarotti received a classical education but also studied experimental physics and medicine at the University of Bologna. He traveled extensively throughout Italy and the rest of Europe.