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  1. Toqtamish o Tokhtamish [nota 1] (mediados del siglo XIV-1406), guerrero mongol del linaje de Gengis Kan por vía de Jochi. Como kan unificó la Horda Azul (Kanato Kipchak) y la Horda Blanca (subdivisiones de la horda de oro), entre 1380 y 1395 y libró duras batallas contra los príncipes moscovitas y contra Temür (Tamerlán). [1]

  2. › wiki › TokhtamyshTokhtamysh - Wikipedia

    From a fugitive, Tokhtamysh had become a powerful monarch, quickly solidifying his authority in both wings of the Golden Horde. Encouraged by his success, as well as the growth of his manpower and wealth, Tokhtamysh went on a military expedition to the Russian principalities, sacking Moscow in 1382.

  3. The Tokhtamysh–Timur war was fought from 1386 to 1395 between Tokhtamysh, khan of the Golden Horde, and the warlord and conqueror Timur, founder of the Timurid Empire, in the areas of the Caucasus Mountains, Turkestan and Eastern Europe.

  4. En el invierno de 1385-86 (787), su antiguo aliado y protegido Toqtamish asalta y saquea Tabriz. Ello desencadena una campaña de tres años en Irán iniciada en la primavera de 1386 (788), en la que recupera Tabriz.

  5. He gave armed support to Tokhtamysh, who was the Mongol khan of Crimea and a refugee at his court, against the Russians (who had risen against the khan of the Golden Horde, Mamai); and his troops occupied Moscow and defeated the Lithuanians near Poltava.

  6. La primera aparición de Tamerlán en el Cáucaso fue una respuesta a la invasión del kan Toqtamish en el norte de Irán a través de las tierras caucásicas, en 1385. Esto marcó un estallido de abierta hostilidad entre los dos monarcas islámicos.

  7. 14 de ene. de 2024 · The Tokhtamysh–Timur war was fought from 1386 to 1395 between Tokhtamysh, khan of the Golden Horde, and the warlord and conqueror Timur, founder of the Timurid Empire, in the areas of the Caucasus mountains, Turkistan and Eastern Europe.