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Gus Trikonis is an American actor, dancer, and director, best known for his role as Indio in West Side Story. He also directed several low-budget films and TV shows, and was married to Goldie Hawn.
Gus Trikonis was a director of exploitation films and a former actor in West Side Story. He also directed episodes of TV shows like Baywatch and Quantum Leap, and was married to Goldie Hawn.
Gus Trikonis es un director y actor nacido en el año 1937 en Estados Unidos conocido por Los vigilantes de la playa (Serie de TV), Hércules: Sus viajes legendarios (Serie de TV), Flash (Serie de TV), La bella y la bestia (Serie de TV), El último descapotable (Miniserie de TV), Viper (Serie de TV), Más allá de los límites de la realidad ...
Gus Trikonis was a director of exploitation movies and a former actor and dancer in West Side Story. He was married to Goldie Hawn and had a son with Barbara Andrews.
Learn about Gus Trikonis, an American actor and director who starred in 'West Side Story' and directed 'Take This Job and Shove It'. Find out his age, career, marriage, and more.
Descubre todas las películas y series de la filmografía de Gus Trikonis. De sus inicios hasta el final de sus 33 años de carrera.
Gus Trikonis is a director and actor who was born in 1937 in United States known for Baywatch (TV Series), Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (TV Series), Baywatch Nights (TV Series), The Flash (TV Series), The Twilight Zone (TV Series), Beauty and the Beast (TV Series), Flamingo Road (TV Series), The Evil, Insel der Furcht (Beast in the Family ...