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  1. Whose is a Possessive Pronoun. Possessive pronouns, such as her, his and our, are used to indicate ownership by a person or thing. We use whose as a possessive pronoun if we wish to find out who owns something or as a clause when indicating ownership is important to the context of the sentence.

  2. Ya hemos visto cuáles son los pronombres interrogativos básicos y cómo se usan y también hemos analizado cuándo se usa « what » y cuándo « which «. Hoy nos toca centrarnos en el uso y diferencias entre tres pronombres que nos suelen liar un poquillo: WHO, WHOSE y WHOM.

  3. "Whom" is an Object Pronoun. "Whom" is an object pronoun like "him," "her" and "us." We use "whom" to ask which person receives an action. Examples: Whom are you going to invite? Whom did he blame for the accident? Whom did he hire to do the job? "Whose" is a Possessive Pronoun. "Whose" is a possessive pronoun like "his," "her" and "our."

  4. Una norma de uso básica es que who, whom, whose y that se refieren a personas y animales, mientras que para seres inanimados se utilizan which, whose y that. Aprende nuevos recursos para emplear construcciones más complejas en inglés con los pronombres relativos.

  5. Who, Whose y Whom no sólo suenan parecido, sino que cumplen funciones similares, aunque no iguales y podemos confundirlos fácilmente. Además, estas tres preguntas también cumplen funciones como pronombres y por lo tanto, las podemos usar al formar oraciones.

  6. Who and whom are relative pronouns that represent a person within a relative clause. Who is a personal pronoun in a relative clause and can be used as the subject or object....

  7. The pronouns who, whom, and whose are used in questions and relative clauses. “Who” is a subject pronoun that is used to describe who performed an action or who is in a specific state. “Whom” is an object pronoun that refers to the person who was the recipient of an action.