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  1. 15 de abr. de 2014 · Generally speaking, the word “who” is a pronoun. It stands in for the mention of a person or people, but has no power to determine in and of itself how many people the speaker is talking about. “You” does not have a plural form either, but can refer to multiple people.

  2. Whom is the object form of who. We use whom to refer to people in formal styles or in writing, when the person is the object of the verb. We don’t use it very often and we use it more commonly in writing than in speaking. We use whom commonly with prepositions.

  3. 14 de oct. de 2020 · Learn the difference between who, whose and whom, and how to use them correctly in questions and statements. Find out why who has no plural form, and how to avoid common mistakes with whose and whom.

  4. Se usan who, whom y whose para preguntar acerca de las personas y which para preguntar acerca de las personas o las cosas. Se usa what para preguntar acerca de las cosas y what for para preguntar por razones y motivos. Se usa how para preguntar sobre la forma en que sucede algo.

  5. 14 de dic. de 2023 · Can a plural verb be appropriately used with the word ‘who’? Yes, if ‘who’ refers to a plural antecedent, the verb should agree with the plural noun, for example: “Who are the winners?” When should ‘who’ be replaced with ‘whom’ in both singular and plural contexts?

  6. 1. Comprende la diferencia entre who y whom. Tanto who como whom son pronombres relativos. [1] . Sin embargo, who se usa como el sujeto de una oración o cláusula para denotar quién está haciendo algo (por ejemplo, él o ella). [2] .

  7. Ya hemos visto cuáles son los pronombres interrogativos básicos y cómo se usan y también hemos analizado cuándo se usa « what » y cuándo « which «. Hoy nos toca centrarnos en el uso y diferencias entre tres pronombres que nos suelen liar un poquillo: WHO, WHOSE y WHOM.