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  1. Hace 3 días · He first encountered the tiny house movement in 2016 through social media. Inspired by the minimalist way of life, Boisen saw tiny living as a way to achieve economic freedom while living more sustainably. “I started building one tiny house, which got stolen because it was on wheels. It was a crazy story, and I never managed to find it.

  2. Hace 2 días · After breaking up, moving out, and job-hopping a couple of times, he eventually landed a role with the local municipality. It was a stable, 9-to-5 job that paid him enough to live comfortably.

  3. 1 de sept. de 2024 · La 81ª edición del Festival de Venecia nos trae de vuelta a Jude Law.Tras deslumbrar con su paso por la alfombra roja, el actor presentó su nueva película, The Order, nominada al León de Oro ...

  4. 29 de ago. de 2024 · Ahora 'The Flash' está logrando ser una de las películas más vistas de Netflix, colándose de momento en el top 5, y con el estreno de 'Deadpool y Wolverine' podemos ver ciertos paralelismos entre las dos.

  5. 29 de ago. de 2024 · On Monday, September 2, 2024, the United States will celebrate its 130th Labor Day, a federal holiday established in 1894. For many, it’s a chance for one last summer BBQ or beach trip, but it’s also a moment to reflect on the progress made in creating a sustainable future of work. The labor movement is embedded within the DNA of America.

  6. Hace 6 días · La cinta más popular en Netflix actualmente es una historia aterradora basada en hechos reales y aquí te contamos todo sobre ella para que decidas si quieres pasar una tarde de terror o mejor te evitas las pesadillas.

  7. Hace 1 día · Unprocessed grief is a major fault line in our movements and in our society at large. Tragedy and loss abound, and yet, we often lack the tools — or the willingness — to hold space for our personal and collective pain. Last weekend, I joined Sarah Jaffe, Eman Abdelhadi, and Lydia Pelot-Hobbs on a panel at Socialism 2024, marking the ...