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  1. Hace 16 horas · Heraeus startet Recycling von kritischem Rohstoff. Dienstag, 14.05.24 06:17. Bildquelle: HANAU/BITTERFELD (dpa-AFX) - Der hessische Technologiekonzern Heraeus hat in Sachsen-Anhalt ...

  2. Hace 16 horas · The English writer and art historian Anita Brookner is probably best known for novels like Hotel du Lac and Providence – those exquisitely crafted stories of loneliness and isolation, typically featuring unmarried women living quiet, unfulfilling lives while waiting for their unobtainable lovers to make fleeting appearances. A Closed Eye – Brookner’s eleventh novel – has…

  3. Hace 16 horas · In occasione della Giornata Internazionale contro l'Omofobia, la Transfobia e la Bifobia, l'Assessorato alla Sanità e alle Pari Opportunità del Comune di Sabaudia ha organizzato un evento di riflessione per venerdì 17 maggio 2024, alle 18:00 presso il Centro di Documentazione “Angiolo Mazzoni”. Durante la serata, sarà proiettato il docufilm

  4. Hace 16 horas · Note artistique : (4/5) Synopsis Trois villes, trois histoires sur le couple, la sexualité et le pouvoir. A Naples, Adelina vend des cigarettes au marché noir parce que son mari est au chômage. Mais elle se fait arrêter par la police… A Milan, Anna, une femme riche, s’ennuie et parle de fugue avec son amant,… Continue reading le pur plaisir...

  5. Hace 16 horas · Artistic note: (4/5) Synopsis Three cities, three stories about the couple, sexuality and power. In Naples, Adelina sells cigarettes on the black market because her husband is unemployed. But she gets arrested by the police… In Milan, Anna, a rich woman, is bored and talks about running away with her lover, a writer. Until the… Continue reading the pure pleasure...

  6. › wiki › Wim_WendersWim Wenders - Wikipedia

    Hace 16 horas · Ernst Wilhelm "Wim" Wenders (German: [ˈvɪm ˈvɛndɐs]; born 14 August 1945) is a German filmmaker and playwright, who is a major figure in New German Cinema. Among the honors he has received are prizes from the Cannes, Venice and Berlin film festivals. He has also received a BAFTA Award and been nominated for three Academy Awards and a Grammy Award.

  7. Hace 16 horas · Międzynarodowe Targi Książki w Warszawie od lat przyciągają tłumy czytelników, W największym literackim wydarzeniu tego roku weźmie udział ponad 600 wystawców i kilkuset znakomitych twórców z Polski, Włoch i : Austrii, Chin, Francji, Hiszpanii, Japonii, Korei Płd., Niemiec, Norwegii, Rumunii, Słowacji, Ukrainy, Wielkiej Brytanii, a także Wolnej Białorusi, reprezentowanej ...