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Ali al-Hadi ibn Nizar. Abū ʿAlī Ḥasan, or ʿAlī, surnamed Al-Hādī ( Arabic: علي الهادي بن نزار) (470 AH/1076 CE – 530 AH/1136 CE) was the 20th Ismaili Nizari Imam. Born in Cairo, he was about 17 years old when his predecessor, Imam al-Mustansir, died, and 20 years old during the assumption of his Imamate in 490 AH/1097 CE.
Abū ʿAlī Ḥasan, or ʿAlī, surnamed Al-Hādī ( Arabic: علي الهادي بن نزار) (470 AH/1076 CE – 530 AH/1136 CE) was the 20th Ismaili Nizari Imam. Born in Cairo, he was about 17 years old when his predecessor, Imam al-Mustansir, died, and 20 years old during the assumption of his Imamate in 490 AH/1097 CE.
HADI BIN AL-NIZAR (490-530/1097-1136), 20TH IMAM. Encyclopaedia of Ismailism by Mumtaz Ali Tajddin. "Abu Ali Hasan, or Ali, surnamed al-Hadi was born in Cairo in 470/1076. He was about 17 years old on the eve of the death of Imam al-Mustansir, and 20 years during assumption of Imamate in 490/1097.
The schism finally broke the remnants of the Fatimid Empire, and the now-divided Ismailis separated into the Musta'li following (inhabiting regions of Egypt, Yemen, and western India) and those pledging allegiance to Nizar's son Al-Hadi ibn Nizar (living in regions of Iran and Syria).
‘Alī ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Alī (en árabe: أبو الحسن علي بن محمد , Abū l-Hasan ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad) (Medina, 10 de marzo de 828 – Samarra, 2 de julio del 868), conocido como Ali al-Hadi o Alí an-Naqí (en árabe علي النقي, ʿAlī an-Naqī o علي الهادي, ʿAlī al-Hadi), fue el décimo imán de los chiíes imamíes, hijo y sucesor del noveno imán Muhammad ibn Alí ...
Abu ʿAli Hasan, o Ali, apodado al-Hadi ( en árabe علي الهادي بنازار ; 1076-1136 ) , el vigésimo imán ismaelita - nizarí. Tenía unos 17 años cuando murió su predecesor, el Imam Nizar ibn al-Mustansir, y 20 años cuando asumió el Imamato en 490 AH/1097 EC. mi.
Abu Mansur Nizar ibn al-Mustansir (Arabic: أبو منصور نزار بن المستنصر, romanized: Abū Manṣūr Nizār ibn al-Mustanṣir; 1045–1095) was a Fatimid prince, and the oldest son of the eighth Fatimid caliph and eighteenth Isma'ili imam, al-Mustansir.