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Hace 1 día · Antonio del Pollaiuolo, Portrait of a Young Woman (1470–1472), Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan. The Florentine Renaissance in art is the new approach to art and culture in Florence during the period from approximately the beginning of the 15th century to the end of the 16th.
Hace 4 días · To se jasno kaže v njegovih skulpturah, v katerih je mogoče zaznati vplive velikih mojstrov, kot so Donatello, Ghiberti, Luca della Robbia, Nicolò Pizzolo, Antonio del Pollaiuolo in Jacopo della Quercia. Najveličastnejši dosežek Juraja Dalmatinca ostaja šibeniška stolnica sv. Jakoba, kjer je od leta 1441 do 1473 deloval kot glavni arhitekt.
Hace 4 días · He also worked for the next-door shop of artist Antonio Pollaiuolo. In 1472, he worked 5 more years with these artists and then became independent. During this time, there have been drawings of many mechanical things, like military weapons and pumps, even before he started his career.
Hace 2 días · Toward the left side of the entrance to San Pietro in Vincoli is the tomb of artist Antonio Pollaiuolo, an artist, metal-worker, and goldsmith in Rome during the Renaissance. He is best known for adding the infants Remus and Romulus to which already-existing sculpture?
Hace 5 días · His bronze funerary monument, now in the basement Treasury of St. Peter's Basilica, like a giant casket of goldsmith's work, is by Antonio Pollaiuolo. The top of the casket is a lifelike depiction of the Pope lying in state.
Hace 4 días · See below for a longer list of the best paintings to have come from the career of the Italian master, Sandro Botticelli, with around eight of them featured in this homepage. Incidentally, many choose to buy reproductions prints of both the original Botticelli paintings as well as specific detailed sections of them, such as with Head of Venus.
Hace 5 días · Via Antonio Pollaiuolo 5, 20159 - Milano. E.C. Decor di Cartasegna Enrico ( 157 m ) Home & Garden Services. Via Guglielmo Pepe 36, 20159 - Milano.