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  1. Biografía, trayectoria política y posturas de Bernie Sanders, senador independiente de Vermont y candidato presidencial del Partido Demócrata. Conoce su origen, su activismo social, sus logros y sus desafíos.

  2. Sanders voted to convict Trump on both articles of his first impeachment trialin 2020 (for pressuring a foreign leader to investigate Joe Biden), and again on the sole article of his second impeachment trialin 2021 (for inciting the Capitol attack). [430] Biden administration.

  3. 8 de sept. de 2024 · Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on Sunday called Vice President Kamala Harris' decision to moderate her views on fracking and "Medicare for All" "pragmatic," saying that Harris is "doing what she...

  4. Bernie Sanders se postula para presidente para derrotar a Donald Trump y transformar nuestra economía para que funcione para todos nosotros y no solo para el uno por ciento. Conozca a Bernie Temas

  5. About. Bernie’s Story. We’re building a movement to transform our economy to one that works for all of us and not just the one percent. Learn more about Bernie’s story and our movement. Meet Bernie. Issues. Bernie Sanders on the issues. An Emergency Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic. How Does Bernie Pay for His Major Plans?

  6. 6 de may. de 2024 · BURLINGTON, Vt. — Eighty-two-year-old liberal U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont announced Monday that he is running for re-election, saying American democracy is in question during difficult...

  7. 22 de ago. de 2024 · El senador izquierdista Bernie Sanders felicita a la recién elegida candidata demócrata a vicepresidenta, de quien dice que ayudará a “derribar la Administración más corrupta de la historia”