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  1. Aventuras y desventuras de un grupo de vividores que con el tiempo se ve mermado, bien por la muerte de unos o por el encarcelamiento de otros. Tras salir de prisión, Tiberio jura no volver a delinquir y está dispuesto a rehacer su vida, pero cuando regresa a su casa se encuentra con que las cosas ya no son como antes.

  2. Overview. Two decades after their first "big deal" landed them in jail, the original gang of Italian thieves is back in action. Peppe "The Panther" (Vittorio Gassman) already has a new job lined up, but his pal Tiberio (Marcello Mastroianni) doesn't want anything to do with it.

  3. Synopsis by Eleanor Mannikka. The vast differences 27 years makes between Italian comedy, the city of Rome, the stars in this film, and filmmaking itself are apparent in this 1985 sequel to the 1958 I Soliti Ignoti. Clips from the earlier film highlight the changes.

  4. Twenty years after their first “big deal” landed them in jail, the original gang is back in action. Peppe “The Panther” has a new job lined up to make them rich but his pal Tiberio (Mastroianni) is determined not have anything to do with it.

  5. Big Deal On Madonna Street - 20 Years Later : Marcello Mastroianni, Tiberio Murgia, Clelia Rondinella, Giorgio Gobbi, Gina Rovere, Francesco De Rosa, Alessandra Panelli, Alessandro Gassman, Giovanni Lombardo Radice, Pasquale Africano, Rita Savagnone, Concetta Barra, Amanzio Todini, Agenore Incrocci, Amanzio Todini, Suso Cecchi d ...

  6. Released December 25, 1985. Runtime 1h 39m. Director Amanzio Todini. Writers Agenore Incrocci (screenplay) + 2 more. Country Italy. Languages Italian. Studios Medusa Distribuzione + 1 more. Genres Comedy.

  7. Comprar. -.-- Sin puntos. Puntúala. Insertar. Sinopsis: "Rufufú" veinte años después, o lo que es lo mismo, aventuras y desventuras de un grupo de vividores que con el tiempo sufrió bajas, bien por la muerte de algunos o por las largas temporadas de cárcel de otros.