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12 de nov. de 2018 · Informacje o filmie Nie otwieraj oczu. premiera. 12 listopada 2018 (Światowa) na podstawie. Josh Malerman (powieść) dystrybucja. Netflix. studio. Netflix (przedstawia) / Bluegrass Films (niewymienione w czołówce) / Chris Morgan Productions / więcej.
在这些影片里,所谓的神秘力量也好,神秘生物也罢,露不露面并不重要,重要的是让角色陷入危险的困境,然后通过大家的选择与矛盾来揭露人性。. 这一点从本片的名字也能看得出来。. 虽然翻译名叫《蒙上你的眼》,不过英文原名却是 Bird Box (鸟盒)。. 这 ...
3 de mar. de 2011 · Mar 3, 2011. #2. Hi Pommy, There is no requirement to treat the wood. In fact, some treatments may even be harmful to birds nesting in houses built using that material. Leakage is not serious even in houses built of raw wood. The main benefit of treating wood is that it does not decay as rapidly. However, few birdhouses are expected to last ...
26 de ene. de 2023 · Well-known member. Jan 26, 2023. #1. A while ago we bought a Handykam nest box and camera. The camera worked beautifully showing the Blue Tit roosting over winter when spring came as it started to build the camera died. I tried contacting Handykam and they seem to have disappeared. The question is what to replace the camera with.
19 de feb. de 2017 · Well-known member. Mar 1, 2017. #4. What you need are dense, ideally evergreen shrubs and bushes - ivy, holly, privet, etc. - as well as lots of damp ground under trees and bushes for feeding. As said above, thrushes don't use nest boxes. Mick.
14 de jul. de 2023 · 1. Producenci "Nie otwieraj oczu" rozszerzają uniwersum, które zrobiło furorę wśród widzów w 2018 roku i zapraszają na film "Nie otwieraj oczu: Barcelona". Po tym, jak tajemnicza siła zdziesiątkowała ludzkość, Sebastian walczy o przeżycie, przemierzając opustoszałe ulice Barcelony. Jednak gdy zawiązuje niełatwy sojusz z innymi ...
3 de may. de 2024 · I have nesting blue tits in box with a camera, chicks are a week old, tonight I went to look at the footage and could see the camera had moved, I went outside to the box and the roof was half off, could have been the heavy rain. I pushed it back on but it really needs a staple gun to attached it properly.
Feb 8, 2006. #2. Aquila said: I've been asked if tanalised timber is safe to use for nest-boxes. I just googled a few sites and found that the Barn Owl Trust recommends it for Tawny Owl boxes, so I presume it's ok.
5 de may. de 2020 · I have a blue tit that is nesting in my bird box I think they are laying on the eggs or are ready to lay eggs one blue tit is always in there. We have had a magpie visit the nest the last 2 days, is it to late to put a nest plate give the blue tit a bit of support.
A blue tit went into the box last night at 6.45 pm and left at 7.15 am this morning. Photo of him (or her) asleep attached! Joolz said: Hello. I put a new bird box in a tree in my garden at the weekend. On Sunday afternoon for a couple of hours, the blue tits were pecking it all over, looking inside (not actually going in) but really hammering ...