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Hace 18 horas · House of the Mann family in Lübeck ("Buddenbrookhaus"), where Thomas Mann grew up; now a family museum. Paul Thomas Mann was born to a hanseatic family in Lübeck, the second son of Thomas Johann Heinrich Mann (a senator and a grain merchant) and his wife Júlia da Silva Bruhns, a Brazilian woman of German, Portuguese and Native Brazilian ancestry, who emigrated to Germany with her family ...
Hace 10 horas · This is an edit of TF Farms' conversion of the STX Steiger originally made for FS19 by NEFG Modding. While TF Farms' version of the STX for 22 is quite ok compared to most other converts of NEFG's STX, I began noticing several inconsistencies with the tractor. Inconsistencies that I decided to crack my knuckles, open the i3d file and have a go ...
Hace 18 horas · Beautiful Swans🦅4K UHD Colorful Birds in 4KDid you know that swans are famous for their graceful appearance, with long necks and striking white plumage? Unl...
Hace 18 horas · Instead, Moran’s therapeutic self-examination provides a thought-provoking insight into why we lie and whether telling the truth is any better. Tickets: $10 – $27.50. Tom Moran is a Big Fat Filthy Disgusting Liar will be performed until 6 October 2024 as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival.
Hace 18 horas · BGM:Black Swan x Fake Love (REMIX)最近那么多剧终于找到一部对我胃口的啦!破镜重圆的设定真的百看不厌!!!!有人说这部是结合了日剧的纯爱和韩剧的浪漫哈哈哈好喜欢这种像在看MV的唯美氛围感真的好会拍!!一共6集 目前更了2集剧情节奏有点慢但都是精华!男女主虽然一个日一个韩但真的莫名地 ...
Hace 18 horas · Lady Macbeth Played Wing Defence is the latest and possibly the funniest interpretation I’ve seen so far. Crash Theatre Company’s production – which opened last night at Melbourne Fringe – is huge fun from go to whoa. Set in a Year 12 netball team’s hothouse lead-up to the finals with competitors Birnam Owls, Mac Beth (Orla Poole) is ...
Hace 18 horas · 前回、レゴで作られたような建物の中で目を覚ましたナミから始まった、この不思議な世界の冒険。あいかわらずここがどこかはわからないけれど、ウソップと合流したナミのもとに、ルフィ、サンジ、ゾロも集ったのが前回の終わり。で、今回も変わらず、この謎の世界で、ルフィたちの逃亡 ...