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  1. Christian August Heinrich Kurt Graf 1 von Haugwitz (* 11 de junio de 1752 en Oels, Alemania - † 9 de febrero de 1832 en Venecia, Italia) fue un jurista, político y diplomático de Prusia . Vida. Estudios y viajes. Christian Haugwitz provenía de una familia de terratenientes de las regiones de Moravia (línea católica) y Silesia (línea protestante).

  2. Christian Graf von Haugwitz. Christian August Heinrich Kurt Graf von Haugwitz (11 June 1752 – 1832) was a German statesman, best known for serving as Foreign Minister of Prussia during the Napoleonic Wars.

  3. 12 de mar. de 2024 · Christian, count von Haugwitz was a Prussian minister and diplomat, the principal author of Prussian foreign policy from 1792 to 1806, who was held largely responsible for the catastrophic war against Napoleon (1806) that made Prussia a French satellite. After studying at the universities of Halle.

  4. Curt Christian Heinrich Graf von Haugwitz, Freiherr zu Kappritz, Cabinet Ministers. Born 11 In June 1752 at Peuke Oels (Silesia), died 9 February 1832 in Venice. Religion: Protestant. I. Genealogy. Father: Karl Wilhelm Freiherr von (1704-1786), Württemberg Chamber President. Mother: Johanna Sibylla (1719-1801), daughter of Johann von der ...

  5. HAUGWITZ, Christian August Heinrich Kurt Graf von. Born into the Silesian (Protestant) branch of the ancient Haugwitz family, he studied law before being elected in 1791 by the Silesian estates as general director of the province.

  6. Christian August Heinrich Kurt Graf [1] von Haugwitz (* 11 de junio de 1752 en Oels, Alemania - † 9 de febrero de 1832 en Venecia, Italia) fue un jurista, político y diplomático de Prusia. Quick facts: Christian Heinrich Kurt von Haugwitz, Informa...

  7. La negociaron Gérard Duroc, representante de Francia, y Christian Heinrich Kurt von Haugwitz, de Prusia. Quedó abrogada por el posterior Tratado de París del 15 de febrero de 1806, que incorporó sus estipulaciones principales. 1 2 .