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'chronic' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: In the English description: CFS - continuing - fibromyalgia - inveteracy - inveterate - lupus - myalgic encephalomyelitis - neurasthenia - underlying condition - yuppie flu. Spanish: crónico - cronificar. In Lists: Cancer, Psychology, more...
(esp. of a disease or something bad) continuing for a long time: Mr. George is resigning because of chronic heart disease. There is a chronic shortage of teachers. chronically.
Aprende el significado y la pronunciación de chronic en español con ejemplos de uso y traducciones de otros idiomas. Chronic es un adjetivo que se aplica a enfermedades o situaciones que duran mucho tiempo o que son frecuentes.
1. continuing for a long time; constantly recurring. 2. (of a disease) developing slowly, or of long duration. Compare acute (sense 7) 3. inveterate; habitual. a chronic smoker. 4. informal.
chronic. [(British) ˈkrɒnɪk , (US) ˈkrɑnɪk ] adjetivo. 1. [invalid, disease] crónico. 2. (= inveterate) [smoker] empedernido. [liar] incorregible. 3. (British) (informal) [weather, person] horrible ⧫ malísimo. I had toothache something chronic me dolían las muelas horriblemente. compuestos. chronic fatigue syndrome. chronic wasting disease.
A chronic condition is a health problem that lasts for more than three months and affects multiple areas of the body. Learn about the common chronic diseases, their causes, prevention, and impact on health and society.
Pain Management Specialists in Chicago. Don’t spend another day suffering through your chronic pain. With the help of our Chicago pain management center, you’ll be able to enjoy your life once more. We are the top pain management clinic in the Chicagoland area, with 8 convenient locations for your to choose from.